Why You’re Scared To Break Up With Them, Based On Your Birth Month
Thought Catalog Agency

Why You’re Scared To Break Up With Them, Based On Your Birth Month


You’re scared to break up with them because you’re a people-pleaser when it comes to the people you love. You don’t want to be greedy and ask for what you want because their feelings matter too. You’re too concerned with what will make them happy and aren’t considering what would make you happy.


You’re scared to break up with them because you are resistant to change in general. You don’t want to alter your routine. You don’t want to put yourself through extra stress. You would rather continue doing what you’re doing, even though it’s not making you happy.


You’re scared to break up with them because you are worried you’re unlovable. You’re worried you’re never going to find someone who values and respects you again. You’re worried falling in love was a fluke, a one-time offer, so you’re scared to let go.


You’re scared to break up with them because you’ve been through so much together. A part of you feels obligated to stay. You feel like you owe them your time and attention. You feel like it would be morally wrong when you share so much history. But you always have a choice. You’re never stuck where you are.


You’re scared to break up with them because you aren’t sure you can handle life on your own. You aren’t confident that you’ll be able to support yourself emotionally, physical, or financially. You’re scared of what life will look like without another person to have your back. But you can handle yourself. You can survive this.


You’re scared to break up with them because you aren’t entirely sure it’s the right move. You keep going back and forth, convinced that you’re better off without them, then convinced you need them to survive. You can’t make up your mind and don’t want to end up with regrets either way.


You’re scared to break up with them because you cannot stand the thought of returning to the single life. You don’t want to go on first dates again. You don’t want to put your heart on the line with strangers who probably aren’t going to treat you the way you deserve. You don’t want to revert back to square one.


You’re scared to break up with them because you don’t want to explain yourself to your family and friends. You don’t want to change your relationship status on social media or delete all your couple photos together. You don’t want others to judge you over being single again.


You’re scared to break up with them because you want the timing to be right. You want to find the perfect moment to break the news to them. You keep procrastinating because you want this to go smoothly — but breakups never go smoothly.


You’re scared to break up with them because you’re scared of confrontation. You don’t like dealing with uncomfortable feelings. You would rather brush them under the rug and pretend they don’t exist. You’re scared to bring up your real thoughts, scared of what their reaction will be.


You’re scared to break up with them because you genuinely care about them. You genuinely don’t want to hurt them. You are trying to handle the situation as respectfully and maturely as possible, but you feel like you’re in over your head.


You’re scared to break up with them because you hate causing hurt feelings. You hate being the reason why someone else sheds tears. You care about this person and you don’t want to cause them heartache. You don’t want to make them suffer, even when you know you’re better off apart.