Gabriela Cheloni

You Deserve To Let Yourself Be Happy

Humans are habitualā€”for better or for worse. Maybe youā€™ve picked up an annoying habit of biting your nails. Or maybe youā€™ve made a positive habit of morning meditation and a cup of herbal tea. Our brains are filled with neurons waiting for instructions from us, waiting for a new pathway to form, so pieces of our life can operate like a well-oiled machine.

But habits arenā€™t only actions you may take or routines you adhere to. Habits can also be the thoughts that roam in your head. Habits can be an emotion that you feel after a certain event or a feeling you cling towards when frightened or unsure.

You can form a habit of feeling disappointed. You can form a habit of allowing yourself to sink into sadness. And in a way, it may feel comfortable to choose this state over the opposite. It becomes your norm. It becomes so prominent that you forget you too are deserving of happiness.

But you donā€™t need to let any recurring thought or feeling trick you into believing you donā€™t deserve happiness.

Maybe you have had your fair share of bad days in your life, but that doesnā€™t default you to a bad life. That doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t deserving of the days where you can feel the sunshine radiate, and I mean really feel it. The kind of sunshine that allows you to shut your eyes, lips curled in a smile, while happiness beats throughout your skin. Or the moments that leave you in a state of bliss. Like the second after a long exhale. Contempt in knowing everything might not be perfect, but the moment is. The memories of laughter, love. pleasure, and excitement. You deserve to let yourself be happy.

Despite what you may think otherwise, you deserve nothing less than to wake up each morning, acknowledging and accepting what the past has brought, while being optimistic for what lies ahead. You deserve the highs and the euphoria and all that life has to offer.

But you have to start not only believing that you deserve it but truly letting yourself be happy, too. It doesnā€™t mean you will be free from a life of any disappointment, but it means you wonā€™t be so shackled by the fear of never letting yourself feel joy. It means you will stop trying to force an outcome or a feeling and simply start existing and living for each day that comes ahead. The good, the bad, and the happy.

Because happiness isnā€™t a one stop destination we find on a map. Happiness is a continuously transforming experience. Itā€™s an ebb and flow. Itā€™s like a bird on a tree, coming and going as it pleases, with no limit to its flight.

You too deserve to allow happiness into your life. You too deserve to let yourself be happy.