Your Chinese Horoscope For The Week Of March 23, 2025
This week is ruled by the intense, motivated, and persevering Fire Rooster. Dramatic endings and beginnings will occur over the next seven days, so buckle up! This is wonderful news for anyone who has been in bondage to an oppressive job, restrictive law, or suffocating relationship. It’s a sociable and sentimental time, making it perfect for attending parties and throwing celebrations.
Your curiosity is piqued, prompting you to take a class or do a deep dive into a fascinating subject. Turn a deaf ear to friends, colleagues, and relatives who tease you for having your head in the clouds. In truth, they’re jealous of your ability to acquire expert knowledge and then profit from it. If you’re inspired to apply for a job that is several rungs above your current position, do it!
Taking charge of a big project requires toughness on your part. Prepare to put lazy members of the team in their place. It isn’t fair to let these people slide with others are pouring their hearts and souls into work. Delegating small tasks to others will prevent burnout. You’ll get lots of advice and feedback this week. Weigh these comments carefully before doubling down on your plans.
You’re eager to embark on an adventure but aren’t sure which direction you should go. When you’re overcome by restlessness, stop and take a few cleansing breaths. Listening to some guided meditations will help you connect with your intuition. By sitting still and listening to your inner voice, the best path will become clear. Getting brisk exercise can also bring about balance. Dancing and playing sports will be especially fun and cathartic.
The secret to your success is acting as if you have everything you want. When you embody the energy of the person you yearn to be, your outer world will change. Soon, you’ll find an agent, sign a contract, land a job, or win a role. If someone tries to pressure you into a lackluster deal, laugh them off. They’ll come back with a much better offer. Your creative prospects are excellent this week, provided you show off your work to its best advantage.
No doubt about it: you’re the one in charge this week. If you’ve had to take a backseat to an authority figure who lacks courage, expertise, and talent, it’s time to take over. The rest of the group will breathe a sigh of relief as you methodically fix all the problems your former boss created. Have you been thinking about launching your own business? Do it now. You’ll get all the financial, emotional, and commercial support you need.
People will try to stick their nose in your private business, which you deeply resent. Don’t get drawn into gossipy conversations. Be especially wary of friendly overtures from someone you don’t know very well. Any information you reveal about yourself, no matter how casually, could be used against you. At the risk of sounding rude, give one-word, noncommittal responses to questions this week.
This is a great week to increase your finances. Whether that means demanding a raise, landing a lucrative job, or attracting a lot more clients is immaterial. The important thing is to imagine how it feels to be debt-free and prosperous. Immersing yourself in an abundant emotional state will attract money like a magnet. Getting plenty of exercise will give you an attractive glow that’s hard to resist. Prepare to get some exciting romantic offers!
You’ll be able to help a friend establish much-needed security. It makes you feel good to come to this person’s rescue. If someone challenges your motives, take note. Putting a barrier between you and this critic is the right move. You’re tired of having your energy drained by jealous individuals who are incapable of understanding your compassionate, generous heart. Surround yourself with people who have similar values.
Your “can do” attitude makes you a popular figure this week. While everyone else wrings their hands and moans about the horrible state of the world, you’ll be busy finding ways to overcome oppression, fix problems, and build bridges. Don’t be surprised if you’re handed an exalted job as a reward for all your hard work and ingenuity. On the romantic front, you could finally win the heart of someone you’ve been crushing on for months.
It’s fine to look, act, and behave differently from everyone else. In fact, your originality is the key to your success. The majority may roll their eyes at your refusal to go with the crowd, but fellow contrarians will admire your decision to stand alone. Do whatever you can to stay positive, whether it’s listening to upbeat music, spending time in nature, or cuddling a beloved pet. You’ll soon embark on an exciting journey that elevates your status.
Don’t compromise your vision this week. A colleague or romantic partner will accuse you of being unrealistic but pay no attention to their discouraging words. If you’re going to reach a lofty goal, you must aim high. You will experience some bumps along the way this week, but don’t worry. Someone who admires your focus will come to your rescue at the eleventh hour. In the meantime, keep the faith.
For goodness’s sake, let other people help you this week! The moment you stop insisting on doing everything yourself is the second abundance will flow into your life. This is a great week to connect with funny, upbeat people you haven’t seen in a while. Their company will act on you like a fountain of youth. Don’t be surprised when you have a surge of energy after going to lunch with a friend who shares your zest for life.