Your Tarot Path For The Rest Of August
For this reading, our tarot reader has selected three different tarot decks to read from. We ask that our readers take a moment, meditate on the three “piles”, and choose which picture resonates with them. They can find their respective readings below.
The cards selected will be interpreted as follows:
Card 1 – The Energy You Are Bringing to the Situation. This card describes where your head and heart are.
Card 2 – The Energy the World is Bringing to You. This card depicts what the world is bringing to you, what opportunities are around you, or what challenges you face.
Card 3 – Advice on How to Move Forward. This card gives you advice on how to proceed and how to focus your energy going forward.
Below are three pictures of different tarot decks. Pick the deck that resonates the most with you – it has a message for you!
Pile 1:
Pile 2:
Pile 3:
Pile 1 Reading (Deck: Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot)
Card 1 – The Energy You Are Bringing to the Situation: Three of Wands, Reversed
The Three of Wands is a card about expansion – expansion of both horizons and outlook, but in reverse it indicates that you have been waiting a bit too long on feedback from others, or that you are blocking yourself from moving forward. It could be due to something triggering bad memories within, or from you waiting too much on the opinion of others, but you are holding back on making some choices. It’s quickly getting to the point of being unmanagable. You’re feeling frustrated with your lack of progress, but part of it is that you are allowing others to take the reins. Think of things you can do right now to make your dreams come true.
Card 2 – The Energy the World is Bringing to You: Five of Wands
The Five of Wands is all about competition. But it’s the good kind of competition, the kind that pushes you forward and encourages you to excel. This is the sort of competition that trains you, that makes you better – it’s not the kind that creates petty infighting. The world is presenting you a chance to hone your skills so that you can move confidently towards your goal. The creative process can be challenging and messy, so don’t allow the competition to make you feel like you aren’t worthy. Embrace its lessons, and use the success of others to inspire you and drive you forward.
Card 3 – Advice on How to Move Forward: Page of Pentacles, Reversed
The Page of Pentacles as advice is imploring you to be determined and not to lose your focus. You have an opportunity, if you can just grasp it and make it into something. Be grounded in your approach, and consider what plans and goals you can create that will guide you towards your future. Don’t just think of tomorrow – think of next week, next month, next year. Consider what ‘future you’ will wish ‘present you’ had done right now. Do what’s actionable, and don’t allow the perfect to become the enemy of the good.
Pile 2 Reading (Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot”
Card 1 – The Energy You Are Bringing to the Situation: Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is able to cut to the heart of the matter, and understand fundamental truths. Its presence indicates that you are bringing a lot to the table – honesty, thoughtfulness, and reason. You can see straight through all of the distractions to what is important. You can keep your cool, even in the most stressful and emotional of situations. Consider what it is that you can do with this talent. What most needs to be said? How can you ensure that your message is heard? If you have an idea to bring forward, do so with confidence!
Card 2 – The Energy the World is Bringing to You: Three of Pentacles
The energy the world is bringing to you in the form of the Three of Pentacles is community and collaboration. Sharing your skills with others as you work towards a larger process is a great way to learn and excel. It’s time to surround yourself with good, talented people and get to work. There’s an African proverb that if you want to go fast, go alone – but if you want to go far, go together. The Queen of Swords energy you are bringing to the table shows you know what needs to be done – now is the time to go far.
Card 3 – Advice on How to Move Forward: Ace of Pentacles, Reversed
Tarot’s advice for you is in the form of the Ace of Pentacles Reversed. It is an indicator that you should hold off on any financial / monetary investment that you might make externally and instead focus your energy on investing in yourself. There’s a lot of possibilities around you, and you need to stay grounded and smart about your approach. You have the opportunity to align the material with the spiritual – how do you want to do that? To make the best decisions and investments possible, get as much information as you can before making any permanent moves. You’ll be setting yourself up for success if you’re able to create a solid foundation instead of making any sudden moves, and with your Queen of Swords energy I have no doubt you’ll do it!
Pile 3 Reading (Deck: Smith-Waite)
Card 1 – The Energy You Are Bringing to the Situation: Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles tells me that your kind and warm heart has created abundance around you, not just materially but in the community as well. By caring for what you have, you’ve created a bright future for all of those around you. Your wise and pragmatic approach has been fruitful, and you have protected and nurtured your environment and community until it has become fertile around you. You have created security and even affluence. You are connected and in-tune, and you are in place to make some big decisions that will help establish a legacy. You’re bringing this fertile, creative energy to the world, and the world will be better for it!
Card 2 – The Energy the World is Bringing to You: The World
If I were to distil the energy the world is bringing to you in one word, that word would be “Yes.” A big cycle is about to complete, and that external validation of you is going to help you. The joy and achievement you’re going to experience will help you expand your ideas into something even grander and more encompassing. Don’t stop now – finish the cycle strong. As you work with this monumental ‘yes’ consider what you’ve achieved and what lessons you’ve learned. Where will you go next? The World is waiting for you.
Card 3 – Advice on How to Move Forward: Knight of Swords, Reversed
You have fabulous energy behind you to move forward, but the advice is to not just go running in. You didn’t build all the abundance around you by charging forward without making sure you had all the facts. Your calm assertiveness is going to do more for you right now than an aggressive or reckless approach. You’re going to do amazing things – there’s no need to throw yourself forward too fast! Think about what your biggest, most important goal is and how to best achieve it – and apply the Knight of Swords’ hero energy strategically.