Your Weekly Chinese Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025
A powerful Lunar Eclipse occurs at 2:26 am on March 14th. This energy is associated with the competitive Water Horse. It’s a good week to channel powerful emotions into exciting projects. We have an opportunity to astonish our detractors, get vindication, and vanquish our enemies. It will be so satisfying to rediscover our personal power and overcome oppressive systems or supervisors.
A rival at work is finally moving on, allowing you to move into their place. Take this opportunity to negotiate a lucrative deal. Getting a raise and promotion allows you to provide more luxury for your nearest and dearest. Additionally, you’ll be given more enjoyable responsibilities that draw on your powerful imagination. Inventing a product or service can save people time, money, and aggravation.
Pour all your energy into achieving a single goal. It’s time to dream big. Instead of focusing on finishing a little task, concentrate on landing your dream job. Rather than trying to evoke a smile from your crush, make them fall head over heels in love with you. Picture yourself enjoying vibrant good health, instead of just overcoming a cough or sniffle. You can live your own life, provided you’re bold and ambitious.
Acquiring a new skill is strongly advised. Whether you learn a language, master a musical instrument, or practice how to write computer code is immaterial. The important thing is to pursue an interest that fills you with excitement. Getting a work opportunity that allows you to live anywhere in the world will heal wounds that were inflicted by a toxic manager. You’re ready to level up; get ready to leave a thankless job behind.
You’ll get an opportunity to take the lead with a creative project. Although you usually shun the spotlight, you’ll welcome this chance to showcase work that is close to your heart. Don’t be surprised if you get some new clients or customers because of your promotional skills. You have a knack for inspiring people to buy merchandise, make donations, and lend financial support. This gift is more precious than gold; use it to your benefit.
Beware of overreacting to resistance. When someone draws a boundary, respect it. You can find the support you need by adjusting your expectations to fit the situation. If that means extending a deadline or cancelling aspects of a project, so be it. Don’t forget to thank those who make your life easier, whether it’s the person who cleans your space, makes your meals, or processes your IT tickets.
Don’t be shy about making lots of demands. In the past, you generously gave your time, attention, and talent to others. Now you’re ready to be repaid for this work. If you’re dealing with a bunch of ingrates, glide on to greener pastures. It’s time to surround yourself with people who appreciate your intelligence, insight, and determination. Together, you can create works of great beauty and value.
Beware of obeying crazy whims. Before acting, reflect on your long-term goals. It’s better to maintain a diplomatic silence than offer your opinion. Although this is frustrating for a forthright sign like you, it’s important to protect your self-interests. Giving an opponent a peek into your emotional landscape will give them leverage. When someone asks you to make a decision, tell them you need more time to think about it. Playing the waiting game works in your favor.
You’re in the mood for love and there’s no reason to suppress this desire. Lots of people are drawn to your romantic, sensitive nature. Ultimately, you’re looking for a partner who champions your artistic talent. That means teaming up with somebody who waits on you while you paint, write, play music, or express yourself in any other creative way. If you already have a partner, accept their offers of help. You need more time to practice your craft.
Don’t wait to get someone’s permission to pursue a cherished goal. Be prepared for some pushback, as your plans threaten other people’s security. Although it’s sad that these individuals will be forced to become more self-sufficient, you shouldn’t worry about their welfare. Save your energy for earning an advanced degree, training with a coach, or learning a complicated skill.
Your superpower is an ability to move forward with confidence. Anxiety will only impede your progress. Stop listening to your inner critic and indulging in fear. In the unlikely event you question your luck, affirm “everything is always working in my favor.” You can overcome a stubborn health problem. Put yourself on a sensible regimen that includes nutritious food, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Don’t forget to dedicate more time to your favorite hobbies.
A patronizing person is secretly threatened by you. It’s obvious that you’re not only more knowledgeable, but also more popular. Nothing you do or say will ever win favor with this critic, so stop trying. Instead, focus on finding a place where your contributions will be valued and celebrated. Going to work for a competitor will be highly satisfying. Otherwise, you may decide to launch your own business. Go for it!
Reach out to a friend who needs emotional support. Outsiders keep criticizing this person for taking a big risk, which is dimming their light. Offering a few words of encouragement will make it much easier for your loved one to recover from a terrible disappointment. While you’re busy uplifting others, don’t forget to do something kind for yourself. Give yourself a big treat, whether it’s a day off work or a luxury purchase.