4 Zodiac Signs That Will Enjoy Their 50s More Than Their 20s
Physical aging is an unpleasant and unfortunate fact of life, and anyone who tells you that they enjoy looking in the mirror and watching themselves wither away into a leathery husk of their formerly supple and gorgeous self is a liar.
On the other hand, maturing emotionally over the years is one of life’s main purposes. I’m pretty sure it’s the main reason why we were put here on this planet.
Rock star David Bowie, a Capricorn, said: “I think aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been.”
Unless they’ve spent their entire adulthood involved in a series of personal and professional catastrophes, someone in their 50s is far likelier to have figured out life better than someone in their 20s. Important things such as marriage and kids and education and money have probably been worked out and resolved by that point.
The scary part: When you’re in your 50s, there are probably more years behind you than ahead of you. Think about that for a moment. As you get older, you might start to sense that your time is running out. You’ll be driving through some quaint little mountain town that you’ve never seen or even heard of before, and you’ll realize that if it took you this long to run across this place, it’s also probably the last time you’ll ever see it. This realization can either make you very sad, or it can wake you up.
Although everything seems to feel more exciting when you’re younger, some people take longer than others to figure out what makes them happy and what doesn’t. What’s worth taking seriously and what’s worth ignoring. What they’re willing to put up with and what they absolutely refuse to tolerate.
Here are four zodiac signs who take a little extra time to ripen. These signs know how to delay gratification and will have more fun in their 50s than they did in their 20s. The Earth signs—Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo—all made this list because they are less flighty and compulsive than other signs and tend to take life slow and steady…and they wind up aging gracefully and happily.
These four signs agree that it’s better to enjoy your 50s than to spend them looking fondly back on how much you enjoyed your 20s.
1. Capricorn
You’re what is known as an “old soul”—you were born wise. Even at 10, you had the wisdom and restraint of a 50-year-old. Hard-working, responsible, and organized, you’ll get all your ducks in a row when you’re younger. You will fritter away your teens and 20s learning and working, working and learning. But by the time you reach your fifties, school’s out and the factory whistle blows, and it’s time for you to indulge yourself. Sure, you feel a little cheap and mean when you check social media to see how badly everyone you went to high school with has aged, but you do it anyway.
2. Taurus
Your astrological fate—it’s up to you to decide whether it’s a blessing or a curse—is that you will always be ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury and sensual pleasures. Back when you were younger, you were still figuring out who you are. You decided that your younger years are for working, because working takes more energy than playing does. You spent the first half of your life working hard so that you can spend the second half spending all that money you made during the first half. Look at the rest of your life as one extended weekend or an endless summer vacation. You foreswore being a hedonist in your 20s, so now that you’re in your 50s, you can be a connoisseur. Instead of merely partying, you will celebrate.
3. Cancer
Due to the moon’s strong pull on your emotions, you still bleed from every pore with intensely strong feelings. That’s never going to change. That’s your fate. You’re not going to get away from all those emotions, but by the time you reached a certain age, you learned to steer away from the negative ones and toward the positive ones. You’re used to your emotions—after all, they’re the same ones you had in your 20s—but the difference is that now you have a handle on them. You don’t get too angry or too sad or so overjoyed that you wind up, say, getting plastered and driving a speedboat up out of the lake and into someone’s backyard. Yes, the world is full of hypocrites and back-stabbers and liars and sadists. The difference is that now you realize there’s no point in getting worked-up about them.
4. Virgo
By the time you eclipse the half-century mark, you’ll be world-wise and well-seasoned in much of the pleasures that life has to offer. In your 50s, you’ll have experienced enough that you’ll never do anything “like a virgin” again…but you’ll keep doing everything like a Virgo. It took you a few decades to figure out some important things such as the difference between open-mindedness and naivete. Between kindness and weakness. And the bitterest pill for you to swallow was when you realized you can be too nice to some people. By the time you reach your 50s, you’ll know what you want in a lover, in your friends, and in your career. You’ll also know what you want to do in your spare time. You will be a late bloomer, but your life will take an unexpectedly brighter turn—sort of like a procedural drama that suddenly turned into a romcom.