Couples reveal what they wish they did before having kids
lucas mendes

10 Couples Reveal What They Wish They Did Before Having Kids

“Travel. Airfare can get pretty steep when you tack on another ticket or two. Also, travel with small kids is a massive pain in the ass. I have flashbacks to bungee-cord rigged car seats and baby diaper pat downs.” — AsInOptimus

“Have lots and lots of sex (loudly, wherever the mood strikes you). You’re gonna miss not being interrupted or walked in on for the next 18+ years.” — kattycris

“Movies. Theater. Concerts. It’s the things that you take for granted before you have kids that become difficult to do after you have a kid. And the big reason is money. Want to go to a movie? Great. If your kid is 4-5 and it is a G rated show it will just cost you an extra ticket. Anything else and you are doubling the cost of your night out on the town at a minimum with the cost of a babysitter. If you are lucky, you have friends or family that you can occasionally dump them on for Free or a Return favor. Otherwise your expenses for entertainment just doubled or tripled for kid 2.” — WoodBoogerSpork

“The only thing I wish I would have done is finish school (college) before my son was born. Being a mom, working full-time and going to school full-time is exhausting to say the least, and I battle a lot of guilt that I’m not able to be there with him all the time because I have class or have to study for a big test at the library.” — whynotwinforever

“Gone to Disneyland with just the wife.” — mr_majorly

“Take care of all your own big medical/dental items. Get that physical. Get that root canal. Get that mole checked out. Once the baby shows up, its doctor’s appointments become more important. You end up putting your own health on the back burner — for lack of time, mostly. (Taking time off work for all those pediatric visits AND for your own doctors might not fit well with your job. So the baby’s needs win out, and you postpone that dental exam until next year.)” — Collards

“Taken more road trips. You think that’s one thing that won’t change because you can throw your kid in the car and go, but you’re wrong. It’s a whole different animal.” — laundryandblowjobs

“I wish I treated myself to nicer things before having kids. Now I feel horrible buying myself anything, even if I really need it. Mom guilt is something you don’t hear about but it is real and it sucks.” — yourfaceisamess

“Appreciate the quiet. It’s impossible to imagine how unbelievably constant the noise is. High pitched squealing, fighting, crying, yelling. Not a day goes by where I don’t hear the Grinch (I really, really hear him in my head.) saying, ‘That’s one thing I hate! All the noise, noise, noise, noise!’” — [deleted]

“I wish that I had a general idea about what I wanted out of life before I had another life growing inside me.” — [deleted]