10 divorced men share the moment they knew the marriage was over
Anima Visual

10 Divorced Men Share The Moment They Knew The Marriage Was Over

“I caught her staring at our wedding picture, and it wasn’t a happy stare. At that moment, deep inside I knew we wouldn’t stay together but I probably denied it at that very moment. It took us another two years to divorce.” — Arch_Stanton1862

“We got in a bad fight one night. I realized I needed some space and even though it was 11pm and I had to be at work at 7am, I got in my car and drove 45 minutes to sleep at my mom’s house. I ended up getting the best sleep I had had in years simply because She. Wasn’t. There. That’s when I knew.” — jted007

“When I gave some serious thought to the questions, ‘Do I want to have kids with her? If something happened to me, and she raised our kids, or her family raised our kids, do I think they’d grow up with the chance to be decent people?’ I knew the answers were ‘absolutely not, and zero percent chance,’ so I knew that was the end of things.” — LLCoolBrap

“She was gone for a work trip. I was in kitchen when she came home, I saw her through the sliding glass door walking up. My first thought was ‘ugh, she’s home.’ That’s when I knew. I realize how relaxed and happy I had been while she was gone.” — One-Warthog-9249

“After years of struggles and thinking she was the best thing ever even though we both were going through rough stuff…found out she had been chatting with dudes online….tried to make it work but one day I looked at her and she was no longer beautiful to me. Sounds super pretentious but it’s the truth. I was no longer in love.” — wutafuta

“When I realized I had no control of myself. When she took control of every aspect of not only our lives but everything about me.” — Andrew-Cohen

“The first inkling of the idea was when she went away with her mom for a week and left me alone with our toddler…. and I was sooo much happier for it. It was a lot easier being a single parent than a married one.” — Ughim50

“When she started saying things for no other reason than to hurt me. Not to make a point, not because I said something first, but in the middle of an unrelated argument she would just start saying shit for the sole purpose of hurting my feelings.” — TheRitalinCommando

“Not wanting to get intimate anymore. It wasn’t just sex, but any kind of intimacy really. She didn’t even want to watch a movie on the couch together or anything. That was my breaking point of ‘welp, if you’ve decided you’re not even going to make an effort to try to fix things, I guess I should take the legal advantage and file first.’” — yamiyaiba

“There came a specific single moment where I came to realize that I actually hated her because of the impact that she had on me emotionally. There was no one single defining event – just this eventual realization that her inability to meet my needs was just ruinous to my mental health. As it turns out, I absolutely hated her as a wife, but I love her as a friend and as a partner in coparenting. We have an awesome relationship now and a uniquely close approach to spending time with our kids. In the end, I guess we just needed to step outside the dark shadow of unmet expectations for what a romantic partner is supposed to be.” — throwaway9747465