10 Foolproof Ways To Heal A Broken Heart
Broken hearts are never easy to heal from – but it’s always possible. One day, you’re going to move on. In order for that day to come sooner, here are some foolproof ways to heal a broken heart:
“Don’t romanticize your ex, you’ll just convince yourself the breakup was a mistake and go running back. Accept that although some parts were amazing not all relationships are meant to last forever. I like to reflect back after a break up and identify the lessons I’ve learnt. If you can take at least one good thing out of a failed relationship, then it’s no longer a failed relationship.” — Mollythecowgirl1234
“Focus on yourself, and focus on those who love you. That’s what got me through my first big breakup. It’s what my brother told me to do. People say time, but that’s only half of it. It’s not enough to just sit there and wallow. I have a friend who got divorced after only a few months, and that was almost three years ago, and he’s still not over it. For the first year or two it completely consumed him. Only when he started actually working on himself did he start to get better. He started dieting and exercising and furnishing his apartment and taking the occasional trip. Now we never hear about his ex. So yes, time heals wounds, but it’s less a function of time elapsing, and more a function of you learning to move on and keep living your life. Look at a cut. TIME isn’t what heals that cut. It’s everything your body and immune system do to repair the damage and protect you from the wound festering. You need to take time to grieve for what you’ve lost, and then move onto building something new in your life.” — [deleted]
“Throw yourself into something that you enjoy or that you want to do. Work, exercise, a hobby. Over time, the heartbreak gets better. You never get fully over it, but it gets much more bearable and becomes part of who you are.” — BecomeABenefit
“Stay the hell away from your ex or unrequited love. You’ll just prolong your suffering.” — crizzlefresh
“The only cure is time. Everything else is just a distraction from the pain.” — TheClayroo
“Distraction distraction distraction. A year or two later you feel normal enough to casually reply on questions like, ‘how do you deal with Heartbreak.’ Just understand that it’s supposed to hurt like a bitch are first, especially if you had strong feelings for the person involved. But with time the pain and/or anger subsides, the memories fade. For me, the moment came when I realized that I actually forgot her birthday until a week later. Make sure you don’t stay in contact though. ‘Let’s stay friends’ doesn’t work in 99% of the cases.” — vpsj
“Ask yourself – do you really want to be with someone that doesn’t want to be with you as much as you want to be with them? Of course not, you deserve so much more than that. Your crush has said they don’t want to go out with you – that means they aren’t the one for you. Don’t try to reason with them or try to convince them. Realize you really dodged a bullet.” — nametakenfan
“Hiking worked well for me. Exercise, fresh air, and isolation.” — Devonai
“Feel all of your emotions. Yell. Cry. Think over it. Whatever you need to do, just let it out. Keep letting it out until you start to feel a little more relieved.” — -DukeOfAss
“Talk about it with close friends and family. Ask them if they’ve been through something similar and how they handled it. It feels better to know you’re not alone going through this.” — -DukeOfAss