10 Men Share Their Definition Of Love
“Love is a choice. Love is waking up and choosing to stay with someone when the chemicals in your brain wear off. Love is choosing someone and choosing to do whatever it takes to make that person happy because it makes you happy. Or at least that’s what love is to me.” — MammothYak1051
“Love is where need and want perfectly meet. Love is what makes you realize life is beautiful, and not always so indifferent and cruel. True love makes no sense at all, but sets everything right.” — Emo_st4r
“Love is the ability to be yourself down to your core, to care about others over your own happiness. Not in a way that sabotages yourself, but shows the very purest sides of our heart. Love is a bed you can always come home to, sometimes it will be made, sometimes it will be messy. But it will always be there for you to sleep. Love is pain, a hurt that has no answer, a feeling that we don’t get over. We learn to live with it, even when it’s tough, and in the end become better and more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.” — oneeyedkingh35
“When you know that the other person deserves the best and you want to be that. Love is not giving up when things get difficult. Love is investing your time in someone.” — Bookbird7
“Well it’s a feedback loop. The two of you should be constantly reciprocating affection, appreciation, and services. Sex isn’t a service by the way, that’s supposed to be affection at its highest form.” — HooterEnthusiast
“Unconditionally loving somebody for who they are. Being able to open up and talk about absolutely anything without fear of being judged. Not giving up on them when things get difficult. Working through problems together. Your problems are my problems and vice-versa. Being able to always brighten their day, being able to make them smile and laugh uncontrollably. Always being there for support without fail. Reassuring them that they will always have you if they need you and that if you aren’t doing fine, then they’ll be there to support you, unconditionally.” — WhiteForest_01
“I’ve always believed love is that feeling after the honeymoon phase where you see that person with all their flaws but choose to be with them regardless. Obviously if you can’t handle their flaws don’t be with them.” — MonsieurHorny
“Love is when you feel like the world is on your shoulders and everyone who is living in it is after you but when she holds you in her arms it’s all suddenly gone. She gives you the strength to keep fighting to not only better yourself but to make each other’s lives better. Love is that extra special kiss before you leave for work that day . Love is that home cooked meal that only you can enjoy to the fullest with her bedside you. Love is that warmth on a cold night that only her under the sheets can give you. I could go on but that’s love.” — throwaway224012
“Love is caring for someone more than yourself. Making their needs a priority.” — SwerveTheNerve
“Love is the repeated choice and continuous effort to make a presence in someone’s life, in the hopes that they return that choice and effort for you.” — Fly_VC