11 Men Reveal How They Really Feel About Dating Tall Women
“I’ve dated women taller than me, waaaay shorter than me, and everywhere in between. I like women, especially the ones who like me back. I’m far more concerned over whether they’re good and kind people.” — LivingWithWhales
“I have no issues with it. I’ve had two exes over 6ft while I’m 5’10”. Sure, a little insecure about it in the beginning, especially since they both loved high heels. I got over it, at the end of the day these tall beautiful women wanted to be with me, that’s a good thing.” — Pricklypicklepump
“I’m 5-10 and have dated women that were 6-2 and 6-3. I was aware there might be some self consciousness about their height or maybe even an attitude towards men shorter than they were. For me, I didn’t really actively acknowledge it. I never stood on my toes around them and I also (in a lighthearted and funny way) called them out on slouching or doing anything to make them appear shorter. “ — vpe331
“I really don’t think most guys give a crap about this. The problem is that you’ve got women running around obsessing over men’s height and it tends to make guys suspicious of whether she’s going to be happy long-term with a guy who’s shorter than her. For some women it’d just take one of their girlfriends to laugh or snicker or make fun of the way you two looked together and that would be enough for her to start sabotaging the relationship. I couldn’t give less of a crap about a girl’s height, but her attitude about height would be something I’d pay attention to.” — Throw_Trash_3928
“My mum (6’0) and dad (5’6) have been married for over 40 years. The only complaint he’s ever had is when he uses the car after my mum has, he can’t reach the pedals properly. And she complains that she can’t fit her legs in if he’s been driving.” — yellowfoamcow
“I personally don’t care but apparently the world wishes I was taller for some arbitrary reason. Tall girl? Just more girl to be hot and gawk at in private.” — _silverblitz
“As a tall guy myself, I love tall women. It’d be fun to be the little spoon for once.” — GR34T_D4N3
“Wouldn’t mind one bit. Matter of fact, the taller, the better. I’m a legs guy, so yeah.” — sauceboss412
“I’m 5’7″ and have typically only dated women who are 5’9” or taller. My current girlfriend is a little shorter. Doesn’t really matter to me one way or another.” — JalenTargaryen
“With so many things that are more important to date someone why height seems to be a, no pun intended, a big issue? There are so many other things to worry about, this is trivial. “ — OkamiPT
“Zero issues. My wife won’t wear tall heels because it’ll make her taller than me, but I could not possibly care less and don’t get why it bothers her if I don’t give an F.” — Nice_Cable_650