11 Types Of Soulmate Connections You’ll Experience In Your Lifetime
Have you ever met someone and felt an undeniable, yet unexplainable, connection towards them? Then there is a good possibility they are one of your soul connections.
We all have 11 soul connections, which are a beautiful, spiritual bond between lovers, family, friends, and even acquaintances. These soul connections are meant to teach us, to guide us, to love us, and to make us feel whole again.
Here are the 11 soul connections we will experience in our lifetime:
Soul Partners
This connection isn’t particularly romantic, though it can be. It’s often a family member, a friend, or even an acquaintance or coworker. This person is someone who provides support on your spiritual journey to find your life purpose. It’s someone who helps you get to where you need to be.
Soul Ties
If you meet someone and instantly feel a connection to them as if you were meant to cross paths with them, that they are meant to be in your life for a reason (though unknown), then they might be a soul tie. Maybe this person challenges or teaches you things in ways that other people don’t, but whatever the case, soul ties are one of the more intense connections.
Think of the invisible string theory: the idea that the Universe connects you to one another with an invisible red string. It’s the person who grew up a block away from you and the two of you meet later in life in a different city. It’s the person who shows up in the back of your photos because you just so happened to attend the same concert. That’s a soul tie.
Romantic Soulmates
When you meet a soulmate, you will feel it in your entire being. Your gut is screaming, This is them. You will feel as if you’ve been waiting your whole life to meet this person. Your connection is natural, easy, and comfortable. They are your person, someone who you are most likely going to spend forever with.
Past-Life Soulmates
Have you ever met someone and instantly felt as if you’ve met them before? Or that you’ve known them before? There’s something familiar and comforting about them, but you can’t seem to put your finger on what that is. This person could be a past-life soulmate.
This is when two souls have shared a life together (or maybe even multiple lives) and they keep finding each other in every lifetime. Maybe in this life, it’s someone you’re in a casual situationship with, but in a past life, it was true love. Maybe in a past life, it was a family member, and in this life, it’s a best friend.
According to Michael Newton, Ph. D., the author of Journey of Souls: A Case Study of Life Between Lives, “Souls do come across time and space for each other.” It is believed that when souls come back together in every life, it’s because they are looking to heal or do better this time around.
Karmic Soulmates
Karma is a concept of action. It’s the energy we put out into the world that eventually makes its way back to us. It can be good or bad, but it really is just a neutral energy of cause and effect.
Karmic soulmates are people who come into our lives to teach us how we can improve ourselves. They shed light on the parts of us that need healing and how we can grow and evolve to become better people.
Twin Flames
The idea of twin flames is that our bodies were split in two with someone and we still share the same soul with them. “Mirrored souls” who see themselves in one another.
A twin flame is an intense soul connection that can be toxic, overwhelming, and incredibly challenging. The purpose of a twin flame is to force us to confront our insecurities and doubts, guide us to the deepest and most feared parts of ourselves, and challenge us to find healing.
Despite how ugly and toxic they can be, they are ultimately meant to help us become the best versions of ourselves. And thankfully, this connection doesn’t last forever. Whenever you are both ready for it, the relationship will come to an end.
Soul Friends
Think of your best friend. They are your soul friend. We will have many, many friendships in our lives. Friends come and go but soul friends stay forever. The two of you inspire, motivate, love, and understand one another on such a deep level. Nothing and no one can tear you apart. “You’re my person.”
Soul Families
This is your “chosen family.” These people are destined to come into your life and as a soul group, you are meant to break negative patterns together. You work together to be a part of something bigger, like working for a similar cause or breaking toxic patterns (like addiction, for example).
Soul Teachers
While this can be an actual teacher who inspired or motivated you, it can also just be a plain old person who teaches you something about yourself. They serve as a gentle guide to the journey you were meant to be on.
For example, maybe it’s your high school English teacher who inspired you to become a writer later on in life. Or maybe it’s a friend’s mom who complimented your fashion sense and encouraged you to make a career out of it.
Soul Crossings
“Right person, wrong time.” — That’s a soul-crossing connection.
Maybe you’re in a relationship with someone but you know that you need some time apart to grow on your own, and so you’ll find one another and try again later on. Think of When Harry Met Sally. That’s a soul-crossing.
Kindred Spirits
Kindred spirits are the people who understand you. It’s someone who shares the same spiritual or cultural beliefs as you, and who most likely has had a similar upbringing or similar life experiences as you. You feel safe in each other’s presence simply because you just get one another in a way that no one will ever understand.