12 Divorcées Reveal How They Knew It Was Officially Over With Their Husband
“When I realized I was more at peace when he wasn’t around. I was calmer, less anxious, and smiling more. Also, when I realized I would smother my smiles or hide happy news so he wouldn’t have a chance to ruin whatever I was enjoying.” — LurkSmurf
“When I no longer wanted him to touch me, kiss me, look at me. When the sound of his voice and the way he walked and every little thing about him annoyed me. We talked about divorce prior to it happening and we tried working it out, but the way I was feeling never changed. It wasn’t fair to him to keep trying.” — Just-some-chick
“The moment you don’t give a damn about whether your partner is happy, sad, angry, or hurt, that’s when you know.” — Narrow-Pangolin-8647
“I realized I wasn’t myself anymore. I was angry and bitter all the time. Our marriage had basically turned into a roommate situation. No love, no sex, no intimacy of any kind. Barely speaking. I dreaded hearing his car pull up in the driveway at the end of the day.” — FustyLuggz
“I found nude pictures of our so-called friends on his computer. The worst part? It was all in a folder alongside the pictures I had sent him. He literally had a collection going. It made me sick.” — Eysasha_Legion
“Left work to drive home. Hour commute. Passed an apartment complex with a vacancy sign. Started thinking seriously about why I was driving home.” — ReallyFineWhine
“When I found myself comforting his crying girlfriend, telling her that she didn’t do anything wrong when she (we?) found out she was his side piece.” — TheDownvoteCity
“When I realized him criticizing me does not bother me anymore. I would come back home from work, very tired, just to hear comments about the tone of my voice, the looks on my face and the fact I am just on the couch instead of going to a bar (I am an introvert and need time to recharge). It used to be hurtful, but at some point, I started to not give a damn about it.” — WhiteRabbitWithGlove
“He stopped asking for sex and I was relived. I felt like it gave me more time to focus on the kids if someone else was sleeping with him.” — Hour-Average8401
“When I looked at him one day and pictured having to take care of him as an elderly person and thought, in no way do I want to grow old with him or be around him for that long. Divorced six months later.” — naughtyjawa
“We went on a weekend trip and he was just completely checked out emotionally… I sat across from him at lunch and realized we had literally nothing to talk about.” — hungryginger1234
“I couldn’t get past the fact that even though I was so unhappy, I still loved him so much. How could I divorce someone I loved? Then one day it hit me on my commute that it wasn’t about love, it was about compatibility. We married young and had grown completely incompatible, and it was clear that we weren’t going to grow back into compatibility. So we divorced. And it sucked, because I still loved him. But it sucked less than staying in a completely incompatible relationship.” — crayray