People Share The Hardest Lesson They’ve Learned As An Adult

13 People Share The Hardest Lesson They Learned As An Adult

“That the person who hurt you can’t make the hurt go away. People go back to their abusive partners and families over and over again hoping for resolution or closure. They can’t give it to you, they won’t make the pain go away. It’s just going to be painful. The sooner you stop going back, the sooner the pain will heal.” — Blonde_rake

“That you don’t have to remain close with anyone just because you were close with them as a kid, or because they’re your family, or because you’ve been close for a long time. People change, and also people do things that irrevocably change the relationship or even destroy it, regardless of whether you forgive them or not.” — Tough_Stretch

“Don’t take people for granted. You never know when they could be gone. You never know how much they mean to you until they’re gone.” — hedex16997

“Bad things happen to good people without reason or explanation.” — IllustriousSignal575

“No matter how much you love someone you can’t just make them love you, just as you can’t make yourself love someone no matter how hard you may want to. And life is not fair.” — 0bi-What

“Sometimes you just have to walk away, let people go, and let relationships end.” — lajec21095

“Time passes faster and faster with each year. If there’s something you want to do in life don’t wait if you do you might find 5 years have passed without you doing anything.” — CynicalGoodGuy

“Other people can and will make the worst decisions you’ve ever seen. Even when they have the capacity and resources to make good decisions, they will not. You cannot help them. They have to die on their own.” — oneofyrfencegrls

“Most problems are ones you have to face alone. You learn there isn’t going to always be someone there for you and to help you, and that yourself is really all you can count on.” — Turbulent-Shake4741

“Taking care of your financial health is so important. Years worth of smart decisions can be undone in a few months of negligence or mistakes and severely limit your ability to operate in the adult/family world.” — pnwest1992

“After a failed relationship, don’t remain friends with your ex with any hope that you’ll somehow get back together. You’re just prolonging your pain and setting yourself up for agonizing disappointment and heartbreak, especially when they eventually move on and get with someone new.” — FuzzMcBeefy84

“That not everyone will appreciate you, and that’s okay. You don’t have to be loved by everyone; instead, focus on those who appreciate you for who you are and leave the rest alone. Would have saved me a lot of trouble and bullying in school, which began because they thought I was a nuisance and an ass kisser because I lacked social skills and wanted to be friends with everyone.” — Both_Permit_5046

“The only thing you can control is how YOU feel, do and think. Stop trying to change other people because it almost never works.” — habofi2125