13 Phrases Men Hate Hearing From Girlfriends, Crushes, And Exes
“They couldn’t handle me. Relationships are about building each other up, not constantly having to deal with the other person’s attitude or poor behavior/mental health. This is not as much of a flex as a lot of people think it is and raises major red flags for me.” — OreoKing10
“Thankfully my current girlfriend doesn’t do this but don’t ever say you ‘trained’ your boyfriend or even your friend to do something. Friendships and relationships are a great way to have a different perspective and take things on in different ways. To say you trained your friend or boyfriend is incredibly dehumanizing and makes you seem incredibly narcissistic and manipulative. Plus, you didn’t ‘train’ your boyfriend to use conditioner, you just made him realize that even though he doesn’t think it’s significant in his value system, it isn’t worth the fact you keep bugging him about it.” — DuncanRobinson4MVP
“I just hate drama. That almost always means they are the drama” — Redlodger0426
“The food thing. I’m not hungry or you pick… but not there not there not there not there or there. It’s one of the most widely joked about relationship tropes…but it has to be one of the truest. I watched two married friends this weekend almost lose it over this.” — HotelRwandaBeef
“Well XXXXXXXX’s husband does it, why can’t you? Babe, XXXXXXXX’s husband is 30 years older than me and retired. He has the time. I don’t.” — vanielmage
“How are you still single? You’re a great guy. Hear it a bunch from some women friends of mine. I always just brush it off but kinda stings a bit more each time.” — AverageJames
“Why are you so defensive? Happens basically any time you stand up for yourself when getting shit on “ — dannydominates
“This is very general but I see you don’t have anything planned on this day so lets fill it up with lots of stuff instead of letting you relax. Some people love to do stuff all the time so don’t take this as universal. Just listen to your partner.” — unwittyusername42
“Be a man. It’s ironic how you will get told to be a man when being a man is basically just being a person and not giving a damn about what others think. It’s so self defeating and people never know what to say when I point it out.” — Frederica_is_waifu
“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best. A sign of impending verbal and emotional abuse in my opinion. Run. Nobody is obliged to cross their own boundaries to take care of someone else.” — lovebzz
“All men are the same meant as an insult. Stop reducing me to the level of the worst man you’ve met.” — sparkplug_23
“Ugh, it’s such a man thing. Or some variation there of this. Just fucking bugs me because if I say something is a ‘woman thing’ then I’m immediately labeled as sexist” — Silver-Syndicate
“You don’t love me whenever they lose an argument is literal poison” — JustThatOtherDude