14 Women Gush About The Best Pickup Line Ever Used On Them
“Hey, you’re beautiful. Can I tell you that again next Saturday over dinner? Lol maybe cheesy but I guess it worked because we’re married.” — SuddenTerrible_Haiku
“He walked up to me, asked if I’d like a kiss, then offered from a big bag of Hershey’s kisses. After that, he walked away. Had chocolate, had sex.” — Gluttony4
“My personal favorite: Walks up, holds out hand: ‘Hi, would you mind holding this for me while I take a walk in the park?‘” — shanto5269
“I was the new girl at work and it was a slow day so I decided to get to know my coworkers better. Me: So what do you do for fun? Coworker: Why don’t you come over and find out? We’ve been dating for almost 6 years now.” — indecisive_disorder
“Him: Are you a model? Me: No. Him: Oh, when did you quit? Made me laugh!” — sausagebuttie
“My first kiss was with my best friend at the time. He bet me a quarter that he could kiss me without touching my lips. I thought he was just going to kiss my cheek or hand or something and say I owed him a quarter, but he really kissed me, pulled a quarter out of his pocket, pressed it in my hand and said ‘worth it.’” — buttersquash23
“Orders two shots of tequila with lime and hands one to me saying, ‘This is my pickup lime.’” — Byizo
“I was a security guard for Seahawks games, and we had to wear yellow jackets, black caps, and black slacks. At the end of the game, we were going through and clearing out all the drunk people and this one guy I was helping to the door looked at me up and down and said, ‘You look like a cab driver….you should take me home’ and then winked at me. Told him it was a great line and to use it on someone else.” — alloroc27
“I can’t cook a good lasagna, but I can cook a great lasagna. That got me.” — adulienocqa
“Hi my name is John if anyone is looking to make a mistake tonight. I wasn’t, but damn I thought that was funny.” — ruthgordon
“The one that worked the best on me was a guy who had learned a memorization trick where you give them 30 words and they remember each one in order, and recite them back to you after an hour. It seems way more impressive when everyone is drunk though, and makes a great ice breaker for starting a conversation.” — [deleted]
“I don’t like when people hit on me at work, but this one made me chuckle. I’m a baker and I was putting some hamburger buns on the shelf. A guy walked up behind me and said, ‘Hey nice buns.’ Simple, but I laughed.” — BlNGPOT
“I was walking out of a book store when a guy told me I had dropped something. I looked at the floor thinking I had dropped a receipt or something. The guy then replies, ‘my jaw.’ My dumbass didn’t realize it until I got to the car.” — liz91
“I was at the bar and a guy leaned into the counter, facing me, and said, ‘My friends want to know if you think I’m hot.’ I told him to tell his friends that yes, I do think you are hot. You could tell he didn’t think that far ahead and he started walking away, but it was funny so I bought him a drink.” — butterfly_fister