15 Quotes That Will Permanently Change How You Think And Behave
Masha Raymers

15 Quotes That Will Permanently Change How You Think And Behave

“The bee doesn’t waste its time trying to convince the fly that honey is better than shit.” — EverretEvolved

“Dear Abby’s response to a writer thinking of going back to school but worried that she will be 40 by the time she got her degree: ‘How old will you be in four years if you don’t get your degree? You are going to be 40 anyway with or without your degree.’ It reminded me that letting age stop me from my plans was just silly. Also, working at a community college and seeing so many people going back to school in their 30s, 40s, 50s and thriving, the quote really spoke to me.” — Coconut-bird

“Not one raindrop thinks it causes the flood.” — Santos61198

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life. Most of which never happened.” — Metoposaurus

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow.” -Maryann Radmacher. I came across this a long time ago, at a point in life that I really needed this lesson. It’s okay if I feel sad and resigned, if my depression beat me for today and I wasn’t able to function. I didn’t fail, I’m not weak, I will try again tomorrow.” — IAmTheAsteroid

“The axe forgets; the tree remembers. —Zimbabwean proverb. People don’t forget how they were treated; that’s why it’s so important to be kind.” — drawoha19

“A long time ago I was meeting two women on the sidewalk and just as we passed each other I heard this one sentence from one of them: ‘You don’t notice your progress in life because you are always raising the bar.'” — limpid_space

That mountain you’ve been carrying, you were only suppose to climb. Really helped me overcome a lot of traumatic experiences and difficult chapters in my life. I hope it helps someone else out there.” — youssless

“Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” — ocbbelife

“If you’re trying to break a habit, don’t say ‘this is the last time I’m doing it’ to yourself. Instead, say ‘this is the first time I’m not doing it’.” — organicflowerr

“I had a professor in college he called it the 10/90 rule. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Changed my life.” — normalman714

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today.” — [deleted]

“If you wouldn’t take advice from them, why would you take criticism? – some dude on YouTube. I just never thought of it that way before, and I stopped spending so much energy trying to get people to like me.” — Howdydobe

“If you look for the light, you will often find it, but if you look for the dark, it is all you will ever see” – Uncle Iroh, Legend of Korra. Has helped me through some dark times in the past, just looking for that small bit of good in a heap of bad.” — ReakkorShrike

Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. This helped a lot with my guilt and burgeoning martyr complex.” — suck-me-beautiful