16 Cozy Christmas Movies To Put You In The Holiday Spirit
There are so many wonderful, heartwarming holiday movies to watch this time of year. But if you’re looking for the best of the best, check out these personal favorites from people on Ask Reddit:
“Klaus. It’s on Netflix and it about makes me cry every time. Love that one.” — NyukaNyuka
“There’s something really special about The Polar Express that I just can’t put my finger on. It is strangely one of the most comforting movies I know. I definitely think part of it is the ‘uncanny’ animation and the whole concept of a journey to the North Pole. Also the lighting, the fact that the entire movie takes place in one night…there’s never a speck of sunlight. It’s all dark, snow, and soft yellow light (and Northern Lights). Just thinking about it brings up so many feelings.” — bustogab
“White Christmas. It’s extremely touching. If you haven’t seen this movie. Watch the whole thing. There is a slow bit but the ending is excellent. 10/10 Christmas movie.” — 2shakers1tender
“Ernest Saves Christmas. Extremely underrated for a silly charming Christmas movie, extremely kid friendly.” — IhateTodds
“Muppets Christmas Carol. It’s a brilliant adaptation altogether – and Michael Caine’s performance is beautiful. He could’ve played it for jokes but his Scrooge is so genuine. I love the film so much, it’s so moving when it needs to be, and silly when it’s suitable.” — kirmobak
“The Year Without Santa Claus. Everyone loves this one for Snow Miser and Heat Miser. Now, I’m not going to say they aren’t great, but for me they’re not the reason I like this one so much. Santa Claus having a crisis of faith, and realizing the joy he really does bring people, is such a great and well told story. The Believe song is great, Blue Christmas is great, and Mickey Rooney gives a hell of a performance. I always liked it for that.” — Qwerty_Asdfgh_Zxcvb
“It’s A Wonderful Life. When I was younger I didn’t understand how anyone could like an old black and white movie. I was bored one day, nothing on TV, and decided to watch it. What a fantastic movie! I hated that I never even gave it a chance simply because it was old. It started me on a path of watching old movies and I have loved so many!” — no_no_sorry
“Home Alone. There is a great Home Alone episode of The Movies that Made Us on Netflix. It’s a how-it-was-made kind of docuseries that goes from the script writing to production. Home Alone was all filmed in the gymnasium of the abandoned high school where Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and The Breakfast Club were shot. The house set was built in either the basketball court or drained swimming pool (I forget). Every aspect of the house from wallpaper to kitchen counter tile had to be red or green to keep the whole feel of the visuals as Christmas as possible. Then add in a John Williams score and it’s magic. It’s a great episode, and Home Alone is the perfect Christmas movie.” — hatcreekpigrental
“Jingle All The Way. Phil Hartman as Ted the sleazy divorcee neighbor is one of the all time side character show stealing performances. Throw in some all time classic Arnold lines and it’s a near perfect movie.” — haoken
“Scrooged. This is by far the most quotable movie. At least in my ability to use them in everyday conversation.” — grrargg
“Christmas Vacation. We always watched it while putting up/decorating the tree when I was a kid, which is a tradition I have carried on in my home now.” — rolandofgilead41089
“Miracle on 34th Street. This movie is fantastic—every time that scene with Santa and the little girl happens, and her delight, it’s waterworks for me; I can’t help it.” — yildizli_gece
“Elf. I love this movie so much. Will Ferrell’s humor isn’t always for me, but he’s so innocent and hilarious in this movie.” — Beana3
“The Nightmare Before Christmas. There is a debate in our family if this is a Christmas or Halloween movie. I’m 100% on board with it being a Christmas movie.” — ScatterRunner
“A Christmas Carol. Alastair Sim’s version (1951) is my favorite with the Patrick Stewart version (1999) as a firm second. I will be watching the new take on the story (Spirited with Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell) with interest.” — ArcTan_Pete
“Love Actually. This movie has the greatest collection of truly horrible sweaters ever assembled. It’s an incredible achievement. I love it.” — liquidsparanoia