16 Men Discuss What They Wish They Could Tell Their Partner (Without Getting Her Angry)
“I want to talk to my female friends without being judged by you. If I’m talking something to some female doesn’t mean I’m attracted to her body, maybe more to her personality.” — itsbettern
“Really want a threesome, especially before I’m 30, really bad.” — mInImum_cage
“Every bad thing that happens doesn’t require someone to be blamed for it. And that someone doesn’t always have to be me.” — flash17k
“Some days I’m just tired from class and work and just want some me time, it’s not that I hate you, my social battery is just running out.” — lazybordercollie
“You need to figure out what it is you want to do in life, I cannot solve that for you.” — CabbageStockExchange
“Sometimes, even as a guy, we can actually be too tired for sex too.” — passed_turing_test
“I wish she’d be more independent so she didn’t need my help for everything outside the house.” — Shto_Delat
“Please stop complaining about everything. If you keep seeking out reasons to be miserable, you will find them. I’m tired of being dragged down with you.” — coniferous-1
“The universe is not out to get you. Not everything is happening to you, some of it is in your control. I’m so sick of you refusing to take ownership. And stop getting so fucking defensive about everything!” — mixedmediamadness
“Sometimes i just wanna be alone with my friends or do something alone and I don’t want you always pouting over it. Couples don’t need to spend every second of every day together.” — DesleyPost22
“I wish you were attracted to me. Or if you are, that you’d say so. You’re so good to me, and I know you love me at least as much as I love you. But I feel like you settled, and I’ve sunk into terrible depression because I’ll never look like your ideal.” — theonetruemorbs
“Please stop looking at Instagram all the time.” — ThinkIGotHacked
“When someone gives you some negative feedback or some direction on something you have done wrong, it is not a personal attack. Take it on board and if it was a mistake, work to not make that mistake again.” — RodMunch85
“You are who you surround yourself with. I think it’s time to drop the friend who slapped me and the other who tried taking advantage of me, babe! The resentment I have for how you handled these situations is festering and getting worse by the week. It’s actively eating at me and I’m just letting it.” — Management-Tasty
“I really, really, really don’t give a fuck about her make-up. She is absolutely stunning without it. But she’s also very proud of it, so….” — Kelmon80
“I have trust issues due to being cheated on so many times. You going out with them makes me uneasy but I keep telling myself I don’t want to be overbearing. I just have too many hesitancies and if you show the slightest inkling of disloyalty it may be my breaking point. Even if you say you love me constantly and all, I still have unease.” — DADDY-HORSE