17 Signs Someone Is Wildly Attracted To You
Rowan Kyle

16 Signs They’re Wildly Attracted To You

“When someone uses your name when they don’t necessarily need to. I always felt a little weird when I first started noticing this, thinking I was reading into things too much. But so far it’s been a pretty good indicator.” — openthefucking_gate

“When you catch them absentmindedly looking at you. Even if they’re doing something/talking to someone else but they’re still in tune with you and mindful of where you are in the room. Because even subconsciously they’re thinking about you.” — [deleted]

“Finding any reason to touch each other. Whether this is play fighting, feeling up muscles, poking someone’s bruise, comparing hand sizes. If they actively try to find a reason to touch you, they probably like you.” — biggaylikewoman

“Touch. My crush and I work together. So I would usually come up and touch his shoulder, or poke him on his side. I dunno, lean my head over his shoulder when we are riding in the car. Even when he is passing me something, like a pen, I’ll try to touch his hand. That kind of thing.” — Mmimi-chan

“Laughing at your worst jokes.” — scrimmybingus3

“Excuses to be near them. ‘Lets study together. We’ll get more work done;’ ‘Oh, you’re going that way? Me too, let’s walk together.’” — pronouns-r-they-them

“Losing their train of thought when you walk by, while they are talking to someone else.” — buck-status-BROKEN

“Starts conversations with you for no reason about something stupid just so they can talk to you.” — frostedxxflakes

“Mirroring and checking. When someone says something funny, immediately looking to see if that person found it funny too and is laughing. If they aren’t, you instinctually stop laughing as much or find yourself standing, or sitting in a similar way to that person.” — prettyxxreckless

“Pay attention to the songs they recommend you. Don’t read too much into them of course and overanalyze them. But if a song has a lyric that applies to a specific situation the two of you were in, or if it’s a love song, chances are they’re trying to send you a message. “ –WhyyDoYouCare

“Eye contact is a dead giveaway. I’m not big on making eye contact as a whole with people, so if I’m looking into your eyes when you speak or look my way, you can bet I’m either imagining you naked or picturing what our relationship would be like.” — TartTruth101

“I used to look down and then look up with just my eyes and smile and it always seemed to get the point across.” — Forsaken-Asparagus-1

“Texting late at night, when you should be sleeping.” — Hi_Its_Matt

“Remembering details that are important to you but go unnoticed usually.” — Cultural-Debt11

“The subtle movements to be closer to the person you’re attracted to. I love catching people do little leans and sidesteps just to be closer. It’s cute af.” — -Sairax-

“For me, someone who puts themselves out to help you. This extends to close friends as well, but if they’re willing to miss something or spend time and energy just to improve your life or happiness, that’s a very good sign. Worth mentioning, everyone’s love language is different, shaped by their experiences. No answer in this list is invalid.” — Lord_Jaxom3