19 Skills That Make Men Infinitely More Attractive
Nesrin Danan

19 Simple Skills That Make Men Infinitely More Attractive

“Patience. It’s so annoying to be around someone who throws a fit over every little inconvenience throughout the day.” — prettygirl717

“The ability to genuinely apologize. Not a mumbled ‘…sorry’ or a defensive ‘I’m sorry jeez what do you want?’ but a true heartfelt apology that lets me know you understand what happened, are taking my feelings seriously, and will actually follow through with doing better next time. Too often ‘sorry’ sounds more like ‘what do I have to say to get this conversation to end?’” — casandrine

“A sense of humor, but it must be paired with a talent for reading the room.” — doublestitch

“Does the capacity for self-awareness qualify? When a guy faces up to his faults rather than denies them or acts hypocritically in an effort to hide them, it makes him more appealing.” — CliffordAJiminez

“Emotional maturity. Nothing is more unattractive in a person than not being able to express or channel how they feel.” — senseofworth

“Staying calm. Men who stay calm almost 24/7 have such an attractive skill. I can‘t really describe why but it is really attractive to me.” — Annikuh

“Aside from a good personality and me being attracted to him… I’d say being able to play an instrument. A guy can be averagely attractive, but then put him behind a set of drums and suddenly he’s super hot.” — curious_kitten_1

“A good cook. I love cooking and am good at it, which guys typically like, but I appreciate when a guy wants to cook for me instead for a change. It’s attractive when they know their way around a kitchen and have confidence in their culinary skills without my help!” — Mediocre-End2187

“I melt every time if a dude can sing well. I have a karaoke voice: not awful but I’ll never stop people in the streets, so just hearing guy being able to sing has me mesmerized.” — curagawriting

“Being able to massage the damn knots out of my neck and shoulders.” — Particular_Fudge4856

“Chopping wood. Watching a man chop wood sets off some primal instinct to fuck you silly.” — -shpadoinkle-

“Confidence. Not to be confused with ego or hubris. A confident man is a panty dropper for sure.” — 1234CmonBBSayULuvMe

“Kindness. Genuine kindness.” — Tulikettuja

“When they clean things around the house and I don’t have to ask. My clothes just magically fall off.” — Astarte329

“Being handy. Able to build or fix things around the house.” — bc_poop_is_funny

“Driving backwards with one hand on the passenger seat” — peanutbutterpizza1

“I’ve found that a man who knows how to pet a cat correctly/can get cats to ask for more attention is almost certainly going to be good in bed.” — Dovahgereas

“Smithing, make me a sword with our initials on it and I’m yours forever.” — s-n-i-p-e-r-w-o-l-f

“Any skill honestly. But mostly intellectual curiosity to keep figuring out stuff and trying new things. If you learned X in high school and that’s your party trick now but you never learned a new hobby, maybe to fix stuff, do anything new, then it wears thin fast.” — reveal23414