21 People Share The Creepiest Things Someone Said On A First Date

We’ve probably all had some shitty first dates. But there are bad dates, and then there are just plain creepy dates that make your skin crawl. Someone asked on reddit the creepiest things people have heard on first dates, and you’ll be happy these didn’t happen to you.

Getting mom’s help

‘You’ve actually been talking to my mother. I’m not very good at things like this.’ WE HAD SEXTED. Edit to explain: I’m a girl and mom was texting for her son.


Oh, how lucky

Went on a tinder date to the movies when I was 18. He picked me up in his truck and played terrible loud depressing music. In the theatre, he was on his phone swiping on tinder the whole time, then leaned over and told me that i was lucky to be out with him because all these other girls wanted to be with him. YIKES. My roommate picked me up when I excused myself to the bathroom.


Please don’t do that to ice cream

Maybe not the creepiest thing but pretty gross. I was hanging with a guy I met through a mutual friend. So we go out for ice cream and go back to sit in his car to listen to music while we have our ice cream. He’s sharing his taste in music with me while rubbing my head/playing with my hair? Didn’t quite know how to feel but I figured he was trying to be romantic. Not too long after this, he got to the bottom of his ice cream cone (the one with the chocolate on the inside) and said, “This is your asshole.” And tried to show off his rimming skills, I guess. And thought the chocolate would be cute!? ://///// I’m cringing just typing this out. Not a good memory.


Not the brag he thinks it is

Bragging about going to Cuba and Thailand to meet cheap sex workers.


Was this supposed to be romantic?

I told this guy I played the piano, and like half an hour later he said: “If I wanted you to always remember me, I’d break your ring fingers. You know, cause they don’t heal well and then you’d always think of me when playing.”

Suffice to say, I left the restaurant fairly quickly.


Yeah, no thanks

‘I invited my ex to join us for lunch.’


Pocket mustard

‘I just really like mustard’ as she continues to suck mustard packets. Worst part, we were at a somewhat nice restaurant. SHE BROUGHT MUSTARD TO EAT.


Vampires need love, too

‘Can I cut you and drink it?’

She was serious.


No he won’t

Mid date he placed his hand on my stomach and said ‘My son will grow here.’


Oh no

‘I love Asian girls, they remind me of children.’


Too many true crime podcasts

Went out with a girl one night and after dinner she drove me up into the mountains (I was new to the area) and after a while, when there were no more lights, she started talking about serial killers. I still remember her saying ‘I used to think about getting away with stuff like that sometimes’


Presumptuous for a first date

Called their mom in front of me to say they met a real winner and how they were done with their ex. Not sure if this counts but it was really uncomfortable.


Time to call Chris Hansen

‘You have the buns of a 12 year old.’

While groping my buns.


Keep your biology to yourself

Within knowing each other about an hour he told me he ‘had never wanted kids before,’ but the moment we met he ‘felt it biologically.’ Then he told me he wanted to be my son’s step-father as well.


That’s not reassuring

He wanted to go for a walk at the park with me at 4am, so when I said no he said. ‘Don’t worry. I won’t rape you.’ and gave me a twisted smile.



‘I want you to carve your initials on my thigh with a knife.’

She was very serious


No Halloween date

‘We would have cute babies’ or my personal favorite ‘for Halloween we could go as a slave and master ha ha. get it? Because you’re black? ha ha.’


Better to be alone

‘Better lock it down now, huh? While you’re ripe for the taking.’ Referring to my low self esteem that he picked up on.


That’s a bad sign

Repeatedly brought up the fact that she isn’t crazy or violent.

Surprise, surprise, because she was both.


The wrong reasons

He was in the military (Canadian). I asked him if he ever did any volunteer work overseas with the military and he said, ‘NO! I joined the military to kill people not to help people.’

Chugged my beer and got out of there as fast as I could.


Always tell your friends

Was new in town, swiping on Tinder because I was bored.

‘Do your friends know you’re on a date? No? I could kill you and no one would know haha.’

There was no second date.
