21 Ways To Ruin Friendly (Or Flirtatious) Conversations
You don’t want to ruin a perfectly good conversation (especially a flirtatious one) by saying the wrong thing. Here are some little things that bother people from Ask Reddit and instantly ruin a conversation:
“When they get their phone out for no reason mid conversation.” — Expensive_Pie_6943
“When someone feels the need to one up you on everything you say…” — Apprehensive_Gap_368
“When it feels like you’re engaging a combination lock just to get responses to simple innocent pieces of a conversation.” — phantonyte
“Sexualization. We’re talking about a new video game and suddenly I get asked if I play naked, or if I’m turned on by a game mechanic or some such nonsense. Yuck.” — GreenAppleLady
“When they start saying nasty things about people they barely know.” — WeirdShyKitten
“When they ask for your opinion or talking about something fully subjective and then tell you how you are objectively wrong or get offended by you not agreeing” — Prize_Interaction931
“One word answers from them with no insight, follow through, or redirect.” — Far-Boot5639
“When people small talk you to death.” — phantonyte
“When someone says something offensive or passive-aggressive. I dislike people who talk over people.” — ICH8RS
“When someone gives you completely useless advice you didn’t ask for.” — errant_night
“When someone can’t disagree without getting angry about it. I never heard anyone say, ‘Darling, I was so sure of my opinion, but when you started screaming and calling me an idiot, I realized how right you were!’” — alicebaebaby
“When someone forces their opinion on me and then immediately says, ‘But I don’t want to talk about it.’ They just want to say a hurtful offensive thing and not hear a response.” — Haunting_Coffee_3796
“The conversation becomes one-sided or where they only brag about their achievements/body the entire time…” — InfiniteWords117
“Dismissive statements like it’s not that serious and calm down. Also laughing when someone is being very serious” — Betty_Monet
“My least favorite version of being talked over: asking a question, not giving you time to formulate a response, then going on to reply to the answer they somehow decide you were going to give.” — Mustard_of_Mendacity
“When they bring up a story about themselves that doesn’t even relate to what I just said.” — camm44
“When it becomes evident that the other person just wants to hear themselves speak.” — AnjelZiren
“When they only ask me a question so they can give a long-winded answer to the question themselves.” — ScoopedAnon
“When they always beat around the bush. Especially when they beat around the bush while also sort of trying to sell that I’m missing out on this juicy info… only to find out that it’s nothing that interesting. Bro… I don’t have the time for this guessing and people-reading shit! Say it straight!” — sgtyummy
“When they start bitching about how hard their life is. The people with the hardest lives rarely talk about it.” — angry_guacamole
“When it’s a group conversation and I feel like I have to fight to get a word in. I can follow the natural flow of a conversation. I don’t want to just barge in and interrupt. Sometimes the conversation isn’t even relevant to me and I have nothing to say. So I kind of just sit there and watch two or more people discuss something for an extended period of time. It’s part of the reason I only enjoy one-on-one hangouts with people.” — tiredtwink3021