Agency / Midjourney

3 Signs Your Subconcious Shadow Self Is Coming To Light (According To Tarot)

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is all about divine femininity, intuition, and your subconscious. She tells you to trust yourself; the High Priestess does not give you the answer but rather tells you that you already know it, whether consciously or subconsciously. The High Priestess is a sacred card for many, but she can also represent the fact that your shadow self is emerging or needs to be worked on.

Your shadow self may know things about you that you haven’t consciously recognized or addressed yet. For example, if you ask your tarot deck about your inner fears, about a reaction to something you had, or about a current challenge you face and you receive the High Priestess in response, she may be telling you that the answer to your problems stems from within yourself. This is what shadow work is all about; addressing your subconscious to promote healing and inner balance.

The Devil

The Devil can be a mixed card, often signifying that you will face challenges ahead. It might warn you of being overly jealous, angry, or indulgent. You may give in to your vices. Some believe that the Devil card can also be about being intentionally indulgent and allowing yourself to live more freely. 

The Devil card can also be about shadow work. It’s about finding balance within yourself; and the best way to do this is by confronting your subconscious mind, bringing to light the things within your soul that were previously hidden. Approaching your shadow self can bring you freedom. The Devil is a card that allows you to indulge, but not over-indulge – to recognize yourself in your entirety and find a way to balance every part of you, both good and bad. The Devil card may also appear as a warning that your shadow self is overtaking you; a reminder to focus on healing and processing negative emotions before they destroy your wellbeing. 

The Moon

The Moon is a tarot card that is highly mysterious. Above all else, it is a card that represents illusions and fear. This is a card that is heavily related to your shadow self, because it implies that your fears are changing the way you see reality, whether consciously or unconsciously. The Moon advises you to dive deep within yourself and uncover the way that your internal desires, your fears, and your subconscious are affecting your reality. There are so many things about yourself that you may not consciously know or have connected to your present world; the Moon wants you to bring these things into the light and examine them for what they are.

The Moon can often be about deception or secrets, but it does not always have to be. The Moon can be a card about those around you if the situation applies; but it is often more about your inner self than your external one. Look within and see what your shadow self is hiding from you; allow the Moon to help you reveal it and bring both worlds into harmony.