3 Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship (According To Tarot)
If you’ve been getting a bad feeling when it comes to your relationship, you might have turned to tarot cards to answer any questions you have.
When performing a love reading, there are plenty of cards that can arise and make you feel a little nervous – especially if you think you’re in healthy relationship. The truth is, there are lots of different meanings to every card – and even the cards listed below have positive meanings, too. If you’re in a happy, healthy relationship, pulling them is not a be-all-end-all.
However, if you do feel like you might be in a toxic relationship or are looking for advice when it comes to breaking things off, the cards might have more to say about you and your partner. This is the perfect time to look out for cards that indicate that your situation might be more dire than it seems. If your intuition is telling you that you are in a toxic relationship, these are the cards you need to watch out for.
Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords appears to warn you about a person who is taking advantage of you. If you receive the Seven of Swords upright in a love reading, it may indicate that the person you are in love with is not who you think they are. This card may be trying to indicate that you are being manipulated or lied to.
The Seven of Swords card might also indicate that you yourself might be feeling insecure about your relationship or feel that your relationship is not fulfilling you in some way. This card may appear to warn you of your own romantic issues that are turning your relationship toxic, whether you’re withdrawing from your partner due to your own insecurities or are with someone who you subconsciously know isn’t right for you. The Seven of Swords may be trying to open you up to a new way of examining your relationship.
The Devil
The Devil often appears relating to a controlling, manipulative relationship. It may indicate that you yourself base your relationship off of being able to manipulate your partner, or it may be trying to warn you that your partner enjoys having complete control over you.
Often, the Devil appears to those who are already in unhealthy relationships – especially if they feel ‘stuck’ with a toxic partner. The Devil is there to remind the querent that they, too, have control over themselves; to look at their situation with new eyes and rely on themselves to change it.
Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords is most likely to appear to you if you feel as though you are stuck in their current relationship. You may feel like you are unable to leave (or ‘escape) your partner, as though your relationship is causing you more pain than it is worth. This is often an indicator that a querent is in a toxic relationship.
The good news is that the Eight of Swords also appears to remind you that you have the power to change your current situation – and that you should continue to move forward, taking matters into your own hands as best you can.