3 Zodiac Signs Stepping Into New Beginnings In Their Love Storyline
March’s astrology has been characterized by Venus’s retrograde, a period where our current status quo when it comes to love and harmony is up for reassessment. This has also been happening alongside Mercury retrograde, famous for hitches in communication and bringing our attention to the parts of our life that have become stale, as well as a series of eclipses, which align with major change meant to align us with our own destiny.
All together, we’ve been moving through a cosmic whirlwind that has been asking us to examine our choices and values while meeting change and bringing what we thought was sturdy and reliable up for revision, and matters of love and relationships have been no exception to this. Exes popping back up seemingly out of nowhere, meeting unexpected life changes that have an impact on our relationships, or even fated chance encounters have all been possibilities on the table.
Energetically, April is here to carry us into new chapters through a period of transition as we finish putting together the story of what Venus retrograde has been trying to show us, asking us to move forward integrating its lessons as we gain forward momentum once again. These three zodiacs are being granted the opportunity to step forward and begin new chapters when it comes to their love life, whether they’re looking to reinvigorate their existing relationship or are looking for love and romance with a new outlook…
Venus has spent a good deal of time in your sign so far in 2025, and while Venus thrives in Pisces, much of this time has converged around either preparing for or moving through Venus’s retrograde. You’ve been moving through some big challenges when it comes to your values and the role they play in your sense of self and identity, as well as reconstructing your own sense of self-worth and embracing self-love. This month the Venus retrograde storyline closes out, bringing the full picture together, and then Venus moves forward once again, bringing an inspiring new outlook on what a relationship that fits into and supports your own greater story looks and feels like. April is bringing you into a new chapter of embracing love and romance on your own terms and embodying your own authenticity as a means of attracting the kind of love that uplifts you, rather than asks you to change.
2025 as a whole has been pretty challenging for you, Libra, but now it’s time to step forward and embrace new possibilities that center your own independence and creativity. Venus retrograde has been bringing your attention to where you want to direct your time and energy in your own day-to-day, and what role relationships play within that. This month also brings us a full moon in your sign that’s bringing you a potent opportunity to release old versions of yourself, particularly when it comes to outmoded ideas of how relationships fit into your life and how you need to be within your relationships. It’s time to stop changing yourself for the benefit of others and recognize that reciprocity and support are key to a cohesive relationship.
March has required you to let go of A LOT of outmoded ways of thinking and being, Virgo. While it hasn’t been easy, it’s all been in favor of bringing you into stronger alignment with the person you’re meant to be. As we step into April, it’s time to recalibrate everything you’ve learned about yourself into the way you approach relationships. Most importantly, it’s time to embrace trust in yourself and your intuition in guiding you to the relationships that uplift your own creative vision and sense of possibility. While the month may start off feeling slow and like you’re putting the puzzle pieces together still, by the end of the month it will be time to shake off some dust and welcome in new romantic possibilities.