3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Walking Karma For Everyone They Meet
Not all signs turn the other cheek. Some zodiac signs are living, breathing, walking karma for anyone they encounter. They have the power to amplify and reciprocate your good nature with ease – but they also have the power to give you a whopping dose of your own medicine.
It’s no surprise that the sign representing justice and balance would be walking karma for anyone they encounter. But Libra is just a mirror: if you’re scared of what you see looking back at you in that reflection, it may be time to self-reflect and do better. They’re just matching your energy, after all. Libra has the power to both heal you and destroy you: it’s up to you to figure out what version you get.
This scorpion knows how to wield its mighty stinger to scare off any predators, manipulators, and bullies. Scorpio, you’ve got everything it takes to teach an evildoer a lesson in how to treat others – that’s because you’re intimately acquainted with the dark side of human nature, including your own. You anticipate your enemy’s counterattack before they’ve even had a chance to brainstorm. You strategically plot with dangerous precision how to create the downfall of all your naysayers and those who dare to prey on the vulnerable, all while playing dumb so they never see you coming. In your mind, you’re just contributing to the greater good.
It’s long been said that Sagittarius does not hold a grudge (we would say that’s not entirely true – they’re just more selective about the grudges they passionately hold onto forever). Their feisty, impulsive temper can get the best of them sometimes. Yet how they react to those who try them is often well-deserved. We would not mess with this fire sign unless you’re looking for an epic burn. Not only are they intellectual masterminds, they’re clever at discerning how people feel and think and tapping into what their insecurities are, so they’re able to end you with just a witty, callous remark alone. If words aren’t enough, they’ll find a way to get back anything you’ve taken from them while returning the energy you sent to them tenfold. If you’re on their good side, you’ll be met with that vibrant energy that heals your soul and uplifts your spirits. If you mess with them? Well, it was nice knowing you.