Brandon Woelfel

3 Zodiac Signs Who Get Over Things Quickly

There are some zodiac signs who hold grudges and some who get revenge. Then there are other signs who find it easy to forgive and forget. These are the zodiac signs who get over things rather quickly:


In relationships, Geminis can be quite attached and loyal, but when that ends, it’s like a switch goes off in their head and they move on like it was nothing. They have curious minds and often wonder what else is out there for them, so they won’t linger on what’s not for them. They move on way too easily.


This fire sign is always on the go, meeting new people and trying new things. Sagittarians hate being stuck in one place. Even when they are alone at home, they don’t want to feel burdened by anything or anyone. They don’t want to focus on the darkness of a situation. They will forgive and forget and move on.


This air sign is incredibly aloof and can be emotionally detached at times. When Aquarians are hurt by someone, they will be upset about it — but they won’t sit in that sadness for too long. They don’t want to dwell on what happened. They will distract themselves and even try and make something out of their sadness instead.