Heart in Sun

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Need To Be Reminded Not To Look Directly Into Sun During The Solar Eclipse Before 4/8

When the solar eclipse graces our skies on April 8th, it’s not just a cosmic event; it’s a test of human wisdom, or perhaps, a revelation of the lack thereof. As the moon dares to step in front of the sun, casting a shadow that temporarily dims our world, it’s an invitation to marvel at the wonders of the universe. Yet, amidst this spectacle, some zodiac signs might need a gentle, or not-so-gentle, nudge to remind them of one of the universe’s fundamental rules: Do not look directly at the sun, eclipse or no eclipse. It’s less about astrological predisposition and more about moments of pure, unadulterated brain lapse.


Aries, known for their go-getter attitude and an enthusiasm that can light up a room faster than a supernova, might find themselves a tad too excited about the solar eclipse. Picture this: an Aries, eclipse glasses in hand, tossed aside because they’ve decided that a direct viewing experience would be more “authentic.” As they squint into the sun, one can’t help but admire their gusto, if not their decision-making skills. The universe doesn’t do encores, Aries, and neither do your corneas. So, maybe let’s stick to the recommended viewing practices, shall we? Your pioneering spirit is much appreciated in virtually every other aspect of life, but when it comes to solar eclipses, maybe let the moon do the pioneering.


Leos, with their solar-powered personalities, might see the eclipse as a personal affront. The sun, their ruling planet, temporarily overshadowed? Unthinkable. In a comedic twist of fate, a Leo might find themselves plotting ways to “rescue” the sun from the moon’s audacious shadow. Armed with nothing but their charm and perhaps a homemade, highly ineffective “solar shield,” they stand ready to defend their celestial counterpart. It’s a noble gesture, fueled by a blend of loyalty and a slight misunderstanding of astronomical events. Leos, while your heart’s in the right place, let’s not forget that even the sun, with all its glory, practices social distancing from time to time. Emulate your ruler: bask in the indirect glow, and leave the direct staring for the stars that can handle it.


Sagittarians, the adventurers of the zodiac, always on a quest for knowledge and experience, might approach the solar eclipse with a mix of philosophical wonder and a dash of recklessness. “To see or not to see” becomes not so much a question as a dare. Imagine a Sagittarius, armed with a cocktail of curiosity and a misguided belief in the power of “mind over matter,” deciding to experience the eclipse with the naked eye as a form of communion. It’s a spiritual endeavor, they’ll argue, a way to connect with the universe on a deeper level. While their quest for enlightenment is commendable, one must gently remind them that there are safer ways to seek cosmic connection. Perhaps a live stream of the event, Sagittarius? Your vision quest should not involve literal vision loss.