3 Zodiacs Entering Their Comeback Era on May 2
Sometimes it can feel like life just keeps plugging along on a track, as if every day just blends in with the next. Nothing every changes and life becomes boring and uninteresting. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can come back from this annoying time, whether it’s the inane boredom or a lack of direction that’s keeping you from moving forward. Be like the phoenix and rise from the ashes this May. If you’re one of these three zodiac signs, May 2 is finally time for your comeback era to begin. Life is about to become so much better.
It has felt like you’re making all the wrong decisions lately. Even when it seems like you’re choosing the safest option, it’ll often blow up in your face. That could be because you’re trying to please someone outside of yourself. Whether it’s a person from your life or just the nebulous idea of what you “should” be doing, this pressure isn’t helping you in the long run. Instead, kickstart your comeback era today by using your own dreams and desires as your guiding light. You know better than anyone the direction you should be going.
Sometimes you care so much about the people in your life that you get lost along the way. You might focus on what’s going on in their lives or insist on their input when something’s happening in yours. While it’s great to have such a supportive inner circle, that shouldn’t prevent you from being in charge of your own life. Instead, kickstart your comeback era today by making at least a few decisions by yourself. Start trusting your own opinion again without the biased input of everyone around you.
Even the most adventurous member of the zodiac–Sagittarius–can get stuck in a rut sometimes. Perhaps you’ve entered a routine that feels more like a prison that an easy way to get things done. Or maybe you’ve lost some of the fun and spontaneity that you used to focus on in your free time. Kickstart your comeback era today by doing something totally spontaneous. Don’t make any plans, just go. This could be exactly what you need to start a new era of feeling more like yourself again.