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3 Zodiacs Entering Their Princess Era On January 29

Adjust your tiara and wave a delicate hand toward your loyal subjects, because if you’re one of these three zodiac signs, you’re about to enter your princess era on January 29. Will you be a little haughty? Demand better treatment when things don’t go your way? Dress cute and feel amazing about yourself as everyone clocks your great style? Yes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Welcome to your princess era!


You’re the type of princess to shut the whole situation down the moment you or anyone you care about gets treated badly. You demand only the best treatment, so when some handsy guy gets too rough with your best friend at the bar, you’re more than happy to get the bouncer to rough them up. And you’ll do it with a smile. As you enter the height of your princess era on January 29, remember to use your powers for good and not evil.


A princess demands the attention of everyone in the room, which describes you perfectly. In your princess era, you’re getting that attention with ease. Get ready for the compliments to start rolling in–and only some of them are coming your way because of how intimidating you can be. The rest are purely based on how magnetic and talented you are. You might as well soak up the attention because you know as much as anyone that the princess treatment can be fleeting.


Princess energy isn’t just about getting attention and fighting for your loyal subjects–it also comes with a healthy dose of sensitivity. For your princess era, you’ll be even more sensitive than usual, both for your innermost feelings and your sensitivity to what’s going on around you. Luckily, your powerful emotions and great skills at connecting with people on a deeper level are going to turn your new princess era into superhero status.