Letícia Alvares

3 Zodiacs That Need To Slow Down This Summer

Summer 2024 is in full swing! The warm sunny weather makes it the perfect time to plan new adventures, from lazy days at the beach to adventures abroad. But 3 Zodiac signs need to triple-check their travel checklists and have a backup plan for their backup plans before heading to the airport in August. The reason? Mercury retrograde in Virgo will start on August 5th, and last until August 28th. Virgo, Leo, and Gemini are the Zodiac signs that will feel these effects the most. 

What does Mercury Retrograde even mean?

You might have heard about Mercury retrograde and how it impacts our daily life. In astrology, the planet Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and impacts how we think and how we express our thoughts. Mercury is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system and orbits around the sun every 88 days, much faster than Earth, which gives the optical illusion that the planet is moving backward in the sky. This optical illusion is what we would consider a “retrograde” in astrology. A period of reversal, where we are called to review any matters that we might have left unfinished or face roadblocks in areas of our life that are typically easy for us. Each sign in the Zodiac is “ruled” or directly influenced by a planet, and Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo. These two signs will always feel the influence of a Mercury retrograde period. 

Now that you know the basics of Mercury retrograde, it’s time to learn what’s in store for Leos, Geminis, and Virgos this August. 

If your Zodiac sign is Virgo…

August is a time for you to focus on you. You might be a person who tends to play it safe with the way you dress or style your hair and suddenly find yourself ready to head to the salon for a dramatic new hairstyle or to the mall for a wardrobe update. It’s normal to want a refresh, but consider why you want to make these changes before you rush to the phone to make that appointment. When Mercury moves back into Leo on August 14th, you might feel more nostalgic and introspective. This is a great time to reflect on how you felt during the summer of 2017, the last time Mercury was retrograde in the Zodiac signs of Leo and Virgo, and how much has changed in your life since then. 

If your Zodiac sign is Leo…

Keep an eye on your wallet! From August 5th – August 14th, your personal finances are up for review. Avoid big purchases and turn your focus to balancing your budget. If you’re feeling anxious about material things, this is a great time to focus on why. Maybe it’s time to start a new side hustle or finally tackle that spring cleaning project that you were too busy to do in the spring. When Mercury moves back into Leo on August 14th, asses how you present yourself to the world. If you’re ready to step into a new chapter in your life, create a vision board for how you’re going to do that. Reflect on how you can be the best version of yourself, and bring that dream to life when Mercury retrograde ends on August 28th! 

If your Zodiac sign is Gemini…

‘Quality time’ not ‘quantity time’ is the theme for you this August. Put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ and rely on those you consider family if you’re feeling like you need an anchor. From August 5th – 14th, you might feel more emotional than usual. Staying at home with those closest to you and cozying up to a good Netflix show is a great way to deal with this retrograde energy. When Mercury moves back into Leo on August 14th, triple-check that text message before you hit send! Communication during this time will feel tricky and challenging, and it’s better to be proactive than reactive. If you can, hold off on signing anything important before August 28th or read the fine print. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.