3 Zodiacs That Will Confess Their Crushes In Mid-March (When Mercury Conjuncts Venus)
Keeping secrets will be practically impossible on March 11th, when talkative Mercury forms a conjunction to affectionate Venus. While it’s true this transit always loosens tongues, this particular conjunction will give everybody an added dose of bravery, since it’s occurring in courageous Aries. This will prompt 3 zodiacs to wear their hearts on their sleeves. If you’d like to see which signs are in line to confess their crushes on early March, read on…
Normally, alluring Libra prefers letting their admirers make the first move. March tells a different story, thanks to the Mercury-Venus conjunction in this zodiac’s 7th House of Partnerships. People born under the sign of the Scales will make passionate outbursts that yield enthusiastic responses. By celestial standards, being courted by a Libra is a noteworthy event. That will explain all the excitement in the air on and around the 11th.
Humorous Sagittarius isn’t the type to make heartfelt confessions, but that will change this March. This zodiac is bound to drop the fun and games in favor of a confession of love. The reason for this rare glimpse at the Archer’s serious side is sincerity. When Mercury and Venus meet in this sign’s 5th House of Romance, they’ll have no other choice but to share their unfiltered feelings.
Remote Aquarius will finally break their silence and confess their ardent admiration in early March. This will come as a shock to everybody, including the object of the Water-bearer’s affection. This rare outburst comes courtesy of Mercury and Venus’s pairing in Aquarius’s 3rd House of Communication. Normally, this zodiac would take such a secret to their grave, but the Universe has other plans this month.