3 Zodiacs Who Always Have An Exit Strategy In Relationships
Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs Who Always Have An Exit Strategy In Relationships

Some zodiacs are going to be careful about what they do with their heart. Even if they agree to enter a committed relationship with someone they care deeply about, they are still going to make sure they have an easy way to exit the relationship if they decide it isn’t working out anymore. Here are some zodiacs who always have an exit strategy in relationships because they never want to feel like they’re stuck with no way out:


Scorpios are always prepared for the worst-case scenarios. They don’t want to expect their partner to be in their life forever, only to realize that it was only a temporary situation after all. Even though they make excellent, loving partners in committed relationships, they are still going to play it safe. They are going to make sure that they remain independent enough to walk away if the relationship goes south. The last thing they want to do is grow too attached to someone and feel like they aren’t able to leave because they wouldn’t be able to survive on their own. Scorpios will be strict about maintaining their independence because they want to know they’re going to be okay whether this relationship lasts forever or not. 


Geminis like to keep their options open. They don’t want to feel like they’re stuck with a decision they made when they were younger and aren’t allowed to change it. That’s why they’re so careful about entering committed relationships. They aren’t going to date someone unless they’re super sure about this person. However, no matter how much they trust this other person or how long they can picture staying together, this sign will still have an exit strategy ready to go. That doesn’t mean they have other options on the side. All it means is that they are prepared to leave if the need arises. They are prepared to walk away the second the relationship turns toxic because they don’t want to be stuck in a bad situation. They don’t want to be in a place that isn’t meant for them.


Virgos are one of the most logical signs in the zodiac. They think through every possible scenario because they want to be prepared for anything that might happen to them. That’s why they always have an exit plan ready, in case the relationship runs its course and they decide to leave. They never want to feel like they are trapped with someone, like they have no choice except to remain in the relationship. They understand that committing to someone one day doesn’t mean they need to be with this person forever, especially when they stop making each other happy. Although Virgos are problem solvers and won’t want to leave the relationship unless they’re absolutely sure they’ve exhausted all other options, they still need to know that they’ll be okay if they go out on their own again. They need a reminder they don’t need this other person in order to feel happy or fulfilled.