3 Zodiacs Who Are Secretly Craving A Romantic Connection In December
Being in Scorpio season and the Venus in Scorpio transit, we can expect the energy around love to be intense and passionate. With the holidays coming up too, some people might be craving–and even manifesting–a love connection this month:
With the energy of Mercury in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio, you’re deeply craving a romantic connection that is not only passionate and sensual, but one that you can see long-term. With your desire for romance and intimacy, you’re emitting such a loving aura that is attracting a possible love connection into your life this month — and you can feel it!
You’re known for your passion and desire for attention, which is why you’re enchanted by the idea of a relationship and having a partner obsessed with you. For a while, you were only interested in dating around, but this time of year, along with the energy of Venus in Scorpio, is making you want something deeper. You want a solid, beautiful romantic connection–one that allows you to express your love and affection and get that in return.
You are emitting so much passionate energy that people are starting to be drawn to you. While you’re attracting a lot of potential love connections this month and you feel like you’re thriving, you secretly don’t want a bunch of lovers. You want one person. One connection. Work on deepening your emotional (not physical) connection with that special someone and you will find what you’re looking for.