Gabe Garza

3 Zodiacs Who Are Setting Higher Standards for Themselves


Harmonious and loving Libra, your natural tendency is to hold space for the expression and embodiment of others. Being the gracious host you are, you have a tendency to lose sight of personal values at the expense of keeping it safe and small. You’re learning the downside of accommodating, and how in sharing half-truths, you do nothing to foster authentic relating. It’s time to worry less about the impact you leave on others, and instead open up to believing the weight and message of your own story. Taking action towards personal dreams and goals is in service of the universe’s highest good. Things work out the way they’re meant to.


Devoted and sensitive Scorpio, you have a tendency to mistake the forest for the trees. Far too often, you misplace the depth of your capacity to love with the object of your desire. Perhaps you’ve strained a few relationships along the way. It may feel safer to obsess over the needs and emotions of others, but a genuine partner, lover, or friend desires nothing more than to see you occupy your fullest potential. Self-love and respect translate impeccably. Obsession and worry only block you from receiving the very things you wish to. Let this be the season you find out what you’re worthy and capable of. As you live from a place of deeper trust and surrender, you naturally build a life based on love, rather than fear.


You may think you’re diving too far, too fast in situations, Sagittarius. A natural byproduct of your inquisitive nature is difficulty believing you’re capable of holding space for the outcome of your exuberant seeking. You’re prone to feeling spread too thin, and may develop negative self-talk as a result of realizing you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, causing self-sabotage. Rather than allowing painful situations to perpetuate, you’re developing skills necessary to hold space for the outcome of your many adventures. Setting higher standards involves trading love for lust, and becoming comfortable with the reality that you can, actually, have it all. You’re far more capable than you once believed you were.