Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, April 28, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 3 of Swords

As much as you probably wanted to be in a good mood today, sometimes that kind of thing is easier said than done. Maybe you woke up in a dark mood or something reminded you of past trauma. You could even be actively going through a period of grief. Either way, the bad energy is likely out of your hands.


Your card: Page of Wands

Explore your creative side today. Everyone has one, even if they don’t always foster it. Find that creative side of you that you’ve potentially let fall away and do all the things, large or small, to make up for it. Paint something, take photographs, crochet a cute little animal–whatever piques your interest.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

Feeling overwhelmed today? It’s okay to skip out on plans or say no to someone asking for a favor you can’t quite handle. The truly great people in your life will understand and will love you just as much as always if you take this Sunday for yourself. Put yourself first, babe.


Your card: The Moon

There’s a chance you might be ignoring something you’re feeling today. Maybe it’s a reality you don’t want to face or a gut instinct about someone that your empathy would prefer isn’t the case. It can be hard to accept things sometimes, but that doesn’t make them any less true.


Your card: Page of Swords

Follow the part of you that thirsts for knowledge today. Whether it’s falling into a Wikipedia hole or learning something new about your favorite hobby, you may just get inspired. Don’t hold yourself back from experiencing new and cool things.


Your card: 5 of Wands

Be careful, because you’re feeling particularly short-fused today. You may want to stay away from people in general or you may say something you can’t take back. While it’s good to feel fiery sometimes, it’s better to use it in a positive way, and not just to start fights.


Your card: King of Swords

Don’t let people’s sweet-talking convince you of things you know aren’t true. Maybe all that gossip you’re hearing today isn’t as dire as you’ve been led to believe. Keep a clear head and do some investigating for yourself. And if all else fails, go to the source to learn the real story.


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

Sometimes achievement is all about doing the same thing over and over and getting so much better in the process. It may sound boring, but that’s how people become experts. So if there’s something you want to excel at, like writing novels or running marathons, today’s your day to start practicing.


Your card: The Chariot

You’re going to have to exercise some real willpower today. Whether it’s the courage to stay away from vices that don’t serve you or the drive to keep going when you’d prefer to procrastinate, focusing on this energy will get you far.


Your card: The Sun

Be your fun, sunshiny self today. Do all the things that make you happy and that boost your self-esteem–the more optimistic the better. And if you can draw some of your friends into the shenanigans, that’s great. After all, your warm energy may just make them feel amazing, too.


Your card: King of Wands

The moment you’re inspired to do something creative today, follow that signal. Rather than working overtime or focusing on chores and errands, do the things that do nothing more than feed your soul. I promise it’s not a waste of time.


Your card: Temperance

Go for balance today. You can sometimes get carried away when you’re excited or feeling especially emotional, but if you take it too far it may ruin your day entirely. Instead, make sure that you’re checking in with yourself to know for sure that you’re doing the right thing.