Nina Hill

3 Zodiacs Who Aren’t Sure If They Believe In Love Anymore


The thing about Aries is that many of them don’t know how to love. As represented by the tarot card, The Emperor, Aries tend to be quite practical and realistic thinkers. They base most of their decisions on logic alone. However, when it comes to understanding their own emotions or the emotions of others, they struggle. Most of the time, Aries aren’t the best at articulating their feelings or correctly interpreting their drives. As a result, they don’t fully understand love. They know what love is to some degree, but love in action is what confuses them at times. They don’t always understand what is being asked of them when it comes to love. Though love seems to come effortlessly to others, Aries seems to struggle. As a result, instead of acknowledging the fact that they need to stop hiding from their emotions and work to better understand them, it’s easier for them to just completely write off the idea of love as nothing more than romantic fiction. 


I’m sure this doesn’t come as much of a surprise for whoever is reading this. Virgo’s are notoriously protective of their independence. They hold others to the same incredibly high expectations that they hold themselves to. But, while it’s good to have standards, many Virgos tend to be a bit unrealistic. As a result, when a partner or someone they’re seeing fails to live up to those standards, Virgos are quite quick to dismiss the idea of them ever working out. They have a false perception of what love should be and look like without realizing that other people are just as human as they are. Virgos have a difficult time reconciling whether or not they believe in love. The truth is, it’s not that love doesn’t exist, but rather, their version of it doesn’t exist. 


Those born as the sign Aquarius are idealists by nature. Some would say that they’re hopeful romantics. So with that said, you’re probably wondering why Aquarius made this list. Well, though they are hopeful romantics, this hope has only created an image of love in their minds that doesn’t actually exist in real life. Similar to Virgo’s impossibly high standards, Aquarius on the other hand is moreso chasing a feeling if that makes sense. They’re not chasing a false reality, but rather a naive and idealist idea of what love should be. They’re the type of people to ponder what else is out there without appreciating what is right in front of them. But as a result, their faith in true love remains however their belief in whether or not it’s meant for them, dwindles because they can’t seem to find a love that lasts. It’s not that they don’t believe in love, they’re just not sure whether or not they believe in the longevity of it.