Hubert Kołucki

3 Zodiacs Who Fall In Love With “Soulmates” Who Turn Out To Be Narcissists

Narcissism is a trait characterized by a lack of empathy, an excessive sense of entitlement, and manipulation tactics such as gaslighting and love bombing. Here are the three zodiacs whose core qualities may make them susceptible to falling in love with narcissistic people  – and mistaking them as their soulmates. 


Even as one of the most intuitive zodiac signs, you gaslight yourself in the name of love, Cancer, and tend to fall for manipulators who charm and flatter you. It’s easy to be swept up in a whirlwind romance and go against all your instincts when a lover is telling you everything you’ve ever wanted to hear and promising you the fulfilling relationship you’ve always deserved – the soulmate connection you’ve always longed for.  No one is immune to wanting love or falling prey to a manipulator, so it was not your fault. The emotional nourishment you’ve given to others does indeed deserve to be reciprocated, but emotionally shallow manipulators will not be able to give you the love that you long for. You are better off setting healthy boundaries and detaching from toxic people. Give yourself the love and affection you crave, and you will experience a wholeness that will no longer be fractured by the whims of wolves in sheep’s clothing disguised as soulmates.  


Your sensitivity and empathy make you a natural target for narcissistic and toxic people seeking to exploit them for their own gain, Pisces. These strengths should be celebrated in healthy relationships but in toxic ones, they can be detrimental to your well-being. You experience the world with heightened emotional intensity and falling in love is no different. When you love, you love hard, and that’s why love bombing by a narcissist feels like pure euphoria, as if you’ve finally met your “match.” Unfortunately, your love is real and theirs is a manufactured mirage meant to ensnare you into a dysfunctional cycle of terror. You deserve better than hot and cold behavior and mixed signals. Familiarize yourself with the red flags of manipulation and reserve your empathy early on for those who can reciprocate it long-term. 


As a perfectionist, you search for an ideal love, Virgo, and tend to be a “fixer” in your relationships. You fall in love with narcissists because they appeal to the side of you that is a natural caretaker and leader. You approach every relationship like a project and make it your responsibility to educate people on how to behave the “proper” way in relationships and push your partners toward constant self-improvement. Narcissists may flock to you because you give them the attention and catering to what they desire, but you can’t fix those who refuse to hold themselves accountable for changing. Use your perfectionism to level up and heal past the core wounding and trauma bonds that may be keeping you tethered to toxic people.