Viridiana Rivera

3 Zodiacs Who Should Dare To Be Bold During The New Moon In Leo (8/4)


The New Moon in Leo on Sunday is igniting the importance of making decisions that center your pleasure and desires. Your fifth house of self-expression, passion, creation, and romance is activated under this lunation. It’s time to make some bold moves and put yourself on display, Aries. You should begin that new artistic venture or project you’ve been thinking about starting. Whatever passionate endeavors you’ve been dreaming about, charge ahead during these next few weeks. Is there someone who won’t leave your mind? Tell them. Ask them out on a date. Send that risky text. Rekindle that old romance. If you’ve been wanting to experiment in the bedroom with your significant other, now’s the time to incorporate a little spice. Don’t just tend to the physical aspect of your relationship, but try something new or go somewhere new with your beloved to bring back the spark. Remind them how much you burn for them. This luminary is all about embracing playfulness and spontaneity, so put on your best outfit and get out there this weekend. Go wherever your curiosity may lead you. Connect with your inner-child!


Happy New Moon, Leo! This luminary lands in your sign, reminding you of the importance of living out your dreams and walking through the world as the most authentic, emboldened version of yourself. Your first house of identity, confidence, and new beginnings is electrified under this lunation, paving the way for personal reinvention. If you thought you couldn’t get more comfortable in your own skin, think again. Right now, you’re being pushed to further embrace your individuality and find ways to express all the traits that make you so unique. Be bold! Get a makeover. Dye your hair that color you’ve been imagining when you look into the mirror. Add some different pieces to your wardrobe. Try out a new shade of lipstick. But remember, it’s not only important how you outwardly express yourself. You’ve got to let your emotions and ideas be known, too. If there are any conversations you’ve been avoiding, have them. Make more room to creatively express yourself. Go after the things you haven’t allowed yourself to pursue out of fear or self-doubt. Get clear and intentional on your aspirations and start taking action. It’s time you go after what you consider fulfilling, meaningful, and emotionally and materially valuable.  


Your expansive ninth house of self-discovery, adventure, worldview, and higher learning is activated by the New Moon on August 4th. This luminary is encouraging you to be bold and step outside of your comfort zone by seeking new experiences. If you’ve been wanting to pick up a new hobby, enroll in a class, or even go back to school, do it. Don’t let fear hold you back. Challenge yourself like you never have before. Whatever thrills you’ve been daydreaming about, now is the time to seek them. Do a little experimenting. Be guided by your curiosity. Let yourself get loose and go a little wild. Allow yourself to live in the moment and soak up the beauty and wonder of what this majestic world has to offer. This also means embracing that wanderlust of yours. Book that trip you’ve been dreaming about. Don’t overthink it, just do it. There’s no better way to spend your money. Whatever desires stir within you this weekend, surrender to them. Whatever you do, do something different. Do something unexpected—something you’ve never done before.