3 Zodiacs Who Should Go Through A Dating Detox This May
If you’ve been struggling to find your perfect person but have been coming up empty-handed, this may be a time to try something new. While some people might do well by just switching up their tactics–like trying a different dating app, for example–others may need a more extreme change. For these three zodiac signs, it could be time for a full dating detox. This May, say goodbye to the apps entirely, ditch your crush-inspired limerence, and avoid the topic of dating altogether. Focus on your life in a way that has nothing to do with dating, love, or relationships and you’ll grow so much better as a person. Sometimes you need to go drastic if you want things to change.
While you love the chase, from the first flirty moments to the intense butterflies you get when you find someone particularly alluring, your interest drops off significantly once the dynamic gets “boring.” Lately, you might have felt like even the stuff that used to get you excited about dating isn’t quite doing it for you anymore. It’s time to take a step back and really figure out what you want–and you can only do that with a dating detox. Vow to skip out on any dates or nights out flirting with strangers in May. You may just find that the priorities of your youth no longer align with what you really want.
You’re the serial monogamist, so you don’t really know what you’re like without a partner. You’ve tied your identity so tightly to the idea of being coupled-up that you’ve lost view of yourself. Even when you’re single, it seems like all you ever think about or talk about has to do with finding your next relationship. Do yourself and your friends a favor by taking a dating detox in May. That’s not only a detox from dating people, but thinking or talking about dating, too. You are more than what you can provide to a partner. Use this time to remember that.
While you’ll find yourself in relationships, they often happen by accident or with the other person doing more of the pursuing. Until you can date with more intention, you should do a dating detox in May. Clearly, something hasn’t been working for you in the past and continuing to do the same thing over and over won’t help change that. By saying goodbye to dating for a while, you’ll better figure out what you want and what your perfect partner could be like. When you’re done with the detox, you’ll better understand what to look for in your soulmate.