3 Zodiacs Who Should Make Big Changes On The 9/17 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is forcing you to be still, as it moves through your twelfth house of spirituality and self-undoing. This is the sector that rules over dreams, solitude, intuition, fears, loss, sorrow, and closure. Eclipses usher in endings, transitions, and release. For you, these shifts will be especially amplified. Lean into your intuition. Your subconscious is being illuminated under this lunation, and with the moon’s harmonious sextile to Pluto, your ability to connect with your unconscious will be even more powerful. Basically, you’re psychic around this Full Moon. The truths that rise to the surface might feel uncomfortable, and even terrifying, but you need to let your inner knowing guide you. Let go of the fears and anxieties that hold you back. Release the pain from your past that stops you from finding magic and beauty in the present. Empty yourself of the burdens that confine you. Create space for new opportunities. Leave behind toxic habits and self-defeating thought patterns that rob you of your inner power. Cut ties with the people who don’t honor your boundaries. Dive deep and uncover the changes you need to implement to strengthen the connection you have with yourself and to foster inner peace. Take note of your dreams and any epiphanies you have around this time—the advice you need is likely to be found there.
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is pushing you to reclaim your personal power, which is going to be uncomfortable. What you need to hold onto during this time is the knowing that the greatest, most marvelous things are often found after allowing yourself to embrace change. This is the big theme for you during this eclipse—shifts, transformation, transition—especially as it relates to vulnerability, emotional bonds, and your metamorphosis. Your eighth house of death, rebirth, and intimacy is electrified during this time. You’re being forced to confront the reality of all the things you must leave behind. In order to embark on a powerful new chapter, you’re going to have to make major changes and let go of your unhealthy attachments to the past. This means leaving old heartache behind, parting with old dreams and beliefs that are no longer in alignment with you, and saying goodbye to people who aren’t fated to be in your future. Put your close relationships under a microscope. Which ones are worth investing your energy into? Which ones leave you feeling drained? Which ones lack balance and reciprocity? Reflect, so that you may do the hard work. There are parts of you that you’re going to have to kill, so that a stronger version of yourself may emerge. What mindset do you need to get rid of? What fears and behaviors have served their time? What within you stops you from surrendering to vulnerability? Shed your old skin, Leo.
Stepping into who you are is never easy, Pisces. It’s scary, messy, and uncomfortable. It takes time and various tries. It takes falling apart. It takes deconstruction. It takes challenging everything you ever thought you knew. It takes gaining a new perspective. It takes letting go of the expectations set upon you. It takes unburdening yourself from pleasing others. It takes leaving behind old versions of yourself. It takes a new identity. It takes major shifts. This Lunar Eclipse in your sign presents you with a powerful opportunity for self-empowerment and personal reinvention. This Full Moon moves through your first house of self, identity, and new beginnings. This zone governs your individuality, focus, and personal ambitions. Right now is a magical time to begin the journey of creating the life you desire. It all starts with making the big changes that terrify you the most. Confront your resistance to showing up as your most authentic self. Defeat your fears. Stop hiding behind a mask. Amplify your uniqueness. Express yourself fully and freely. Release situations, attachments, and people that keep you boxed in. Clearly define your desires and start living a life in alignment with them. Move forward with a sense of purpose. Open yourself to new, expansive opportunities by leaving old patterns behind. If you want to quit your job and pursue a new profession, do it. Get that haircut or dye job you’ve been talking yourself out of. Pick up your packs and go if the space or city you’re in now doesn’t feel like home to you. Embrace what feels right to you.