
3 Zodiacs Who Should Text Their Crush on November 4

There are two kinds of crushes: The ones you do something about right away and the ones you pine over for years but never make a move. Wouldn’t you rather be in the group that might actually end up with a relationship? While texting your crush might be tough, at least it gets you closer to figuring out if you’re meant for each other. For the following three zodiac signs, November 4 is the best day to put it all out there. You don’t necessarily need to ask them out, but opening up the communication through text will go a long way.


It can be really difficult for you to make a move. After all, the easiest thing in the world to do is nothing at all. You can just stay in your comfort zone forever while you quietly pine over your crush, or you can make a tiny move on November 4 and see what happens. I encourage you to do the latter. If you’re not sure what to text, you could just send them a funny meme about something they like or ask them how their day is. It really doesn’t have to be anything monumental. Just use today to stay on their radar.


You’ll pine for someone for years and never do anything about it. It’s kind of your MO. After all, you can’t get hurt if you never put yourself out there, right? Here’s the thing: You’ll also never end up with the love of your life this way, either. There’s anguish in holding in your feelings, and you’ve likely been feeling that poignantly for a while now. Send a text to your crush on November 4 to get yourself one step closer to an end goal and one step further from total ruin.


You’re no stranger to texting your crush. That’s not the problem. It’s that you put so much effort into the texts. You analyze and overanalyze each punctuation mark and emoji into oblivion, both in the texts you send and the texts you receive. Do you heart rate a favor and let go of some control. All that anxiety is rarely worth it, and it’s almost never that deep. So on November 4, just send the text. No asking your friends for help in crafting it. No second or third or tenth drafts. Just write the text and send it and see what happens next.