Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs Who Shouldn’t Try To Manifest Their Ex Back This Year


Pisces, with a heart as wide as the ocean, you navigate life’s currents with an energy that’s uniquely yours. Clinging to the past doesn’t resonate with your free-spirited nature.

Manifesting an ex back might feel like tying yourself down to a reality that’s drifted away from the path the Universe is leading you towards. 

In the coming year, focus on manifesting the dreams that set your soul alight. Whether it’s diving into a new artistic project, embarking on a deep spiritual journey, or forging soulmate connections with a new connection, allow the Universe to be your compass through uncharted waters.

Your future self is guiding you to a life full of alignment – and that old relationship just isn’t part of the greater plan.


Libra, balancing those teetering scales with finesse is your superpower, and introducing an ex back into the equation might disrupt the delicate equilibrium you’ve artfully created.

Manifesting that reunion could throw off the harmony you’ve worked so hard to maintain. There’s a reason the Universe took out the trash in the first place – don’t go hunting through the bins to get it back.

This year, pivot your focus towards self-love and personal growth. Invest in the magical soul that is you, and let your classic Libra charm become a magnet for the positive energy you deserve.

Rather than dwelling on things you’ve chosen to let go, nurture current connections and open yourself to new ones – it’s the key to preserving that beautiful harmony across your life, that you’re so well known for.


Life of the party, quick wit, and a social butterfly – that’s the magnetic energy you bring to the table Gemini. Rekindling an old flame might feel like grounding those wings that let you flit from one exciting adventure to another.

Thriving on variety and change, diving into new friendships and exploring different interests is where you truly shine, not retracing your steps into the past. 

In the upcoming year, let curiosity take the lead. Manifest the excitement and spontaneity that aligns with your Gemini spirit.

Don’t let the nostalgia of the past tether you; instead, embrace the exciting and unpredictable experiences that the present holds for you. After all, life’s ever-changing season is your playground; make the most of it.