Julion Santos

3 Zodiacs Who Will Become Their Best Self This Summer

There are many things to love about the beginning of summer, but that I-can-do-anything feeling that comes with brighter days holds a special place in our hearts. Having a “best self summer” in 2024 is all about tapping into your highest self, your most positive energy, and a level of confidence that you’ve never accessed before. It is less about being the “hottest” possible version of yourself in the eyes of society or other people and more about feeling like the best possible version of yourself—because when you’re putting that high self-esteem energy out into the world, you’re going to attract that energy back. Here are three zodiac signs poised to become their best selves this summer, along with activities and habits they can adopt to achieve this transformation.


Leos are naturally charismatic and confident, making summer the perfect time for them to shine even brighter. This summer, Leos can focus on creative expression to enhance their self-esteem. Engaging in artistic activities such as painting, writing, or performing allows Leos to express their vibrant personalities. Indulging in luxurious self-care routines, such as spa days, new skincare routines, or refreshing swims, can rejuvenate their spirit and reinforce their sense of self-worth. Additionally, joining a local theater group or taking a public speaking course can help Leos harness their natural leadership and communication skills, boosting their confidence and presence.


Virgos are detail-oriented and hardworking, often focusing on self-improvement. This summer, Virgos can become their best selves by incorporating mindfulness and meditation into their daily routines. Practices like yoga or tai chi can help Virgos relax their often overactive minds, achieving mental clarity and peace. Reading self-help or personal development books can provide Virgos with new strategies for growth, leading to significant personal breakthroughs. Moreover, connecting with nature through gardening or taking regular nature walks can ground Virgos, providing a sense of accomplishment and tranquility.


Sagittarius individuals are adventurous and optimistic, always seeking new experiences. This summer, Sagittarians can thrive by embracing travel and exploration. Whether it’s a weekend road trip or an overseas adventure, exploring new places can ignite their passion for discovery, broadening their horizons and fueling their zest for life. Taking up a new hobby or learning a new language can stimulate Sagittarians’ minds, keeping them engaged and providing a sense of achievement and personal growth. Embracing outdoor activities like hiking, camping, or even stargazing can feed their adventurous spirit, connecting them with the world around them.

By engaging in these activities and habits, Leos, Virgos, and Sagittarians can tap into their highest selves this summer. Embracing their inherent traits and focusing on personal growth will help them project positive energy into the world, attracting the same energy back and making this summer their best yet.