3 Zodiacs With Excitingly Addictive Personalities


Sagittarius, you tend to be an adventurous sign – much mores than others. This can give you a little bit of an addictive personality – whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or just indulge a little too much in your bad habits, you tend to find yourself in deep when something gives you a dopamine hit. This doesn’t always present as a negative for you – you might find yourself becoming super obsessed with a hobby of yours before suddenly moving on to the next big thing, for example. Just keep an eye out for when your habits border on unhealthy, something your sign tends to be a little more prone to.


Scorpio, you tend to become extremely involved in whatever catches your interest – and this often results in a long-term obsession, too. Your sign can sometimes struggle with willpower and moderation – this means that, when you indulge in something, you rarely limit yourself. You might find yourself over-invested in an interest or two or just struggling to resist your impulses. This is something that comes hand-in-hand with the intensity of your sign, but fortunately for you, it’s also something you can work on through self-reflection.


Pisces, your sign’s addictive personality tends to come more from your desire to escape your reality. You’re a relatively indulgent sign who also gets fairly emotional – in order to cope with these emotions, you may find yourself turning to addictive behaviors. Your addictive personality may also latch on to fantasy worlds or methods of daydreaming escapism as a way of redirecting yourself; this, too, can end up taking up a lot of your time. The good news is that your sign is typically also able to regulate emotions with creative hobbies, which may help curb the unhealthy sides to your addictive personality.