Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs With The Purest Hearts (Yet The Darkest Souls)

These three signs exhibit incredibly pure hearts, and their dark souls are not a detriment but rather a testament to the depth of their existence.


Geminis are celebrated for their vibrant and sociable nature, often lighting up any room with their lively conversation and witty humor. They have a genuine interest in understanding and connecting with others, making them excellent communicators. Their adaptable and curious nature drives them to learn about diverse people and cultures, showcasing a deep-rooted love for the world around them.

Despite their outward charm, Geminis harbor a darker side. Their dual nature can sometimes lead to inconsistencies in their words and actions, creating a sense of mistrust among peers. Geminis can be indecisive and fickle, often wrestling with their thoughts and feelings which can lead to internal conflicts and anxiety. Their need for variety and stimulation can also make them prone to boredom in relationships, sometimes leading them to detach or act impulsively.


Scorpios are often misunderstood due to their intense and secretive nature. Beneath their mysterious exterior lies a passionate heart, fiercely loyal to those they love. They are profoundly honest and value integrity, expecting the same in return from their peers. Scorpios are the friends who will stand by you at your worst and fight for you when you can’t.

Yet, Scorpios also have a darker side that is equally intense. They are known for their penchant for holding grudges and their difficulty in forgiving those who have wronged them. A Scorpio’s memory for slights is long, and their feelings of betrayal run deep, sometimes leading to vengeful behavior. Their quest for truth can sometimes turn obsessive, which can be overwhelming for both themselves and those around them.


Pisces are often seen as the most empathetic sign of the zodiac, known for their profound sensitivity and compassion. Their intuitive nature allows them to tune into the emotions of others, often feeling the pain and joy of people as if it were their own. This makes them extraordinarily kind and giving souls who are always ready to lend a helping hand.

This same sensitivity can lead Pisces into darker waters. Their emotional depth can sometimes transform into a heavy burden, leading to escapism or melancholy. Pisces might indulge in fantasies or even substances to avoid the harsh realities of the world. Their immense capacity for empathy can also make them prone to deception, as they shape-shift to avoid conflict or to fit into various scenarios, sometimes losing themselves in the process.