Christopher James

4 Birth Months In Touch With Earthly Spirits 

Earthly spirits are profoundly connected with the earth and the shifts in nature. They are tied to the beauty and simplicity of mother earth. The idea is that individuals born in these specific months have a strong connection with earthly spirits, appreciating their importance and respecting their presence. 


May-born individuals have a deep and unwavering appreciation for beauty and serenity. They appreciate the divinity of the earth. Represented by the emerald as their birthstone, the bright and gorgeous green acts as a symbol for rebirth. The green of the emerald also mirrors the lush green of a thriving landscape. May zodiacs are either Gemini or Taurus, and combined are bubbly, energetic, and serene. With these traits, May birthdays are often in-awe of their surroundings and adventures. Those born in May are deeply connected to earthly spirits, as they recognize and admire the true beauty of all of nature’s elements.


Those born in September have an everlasting connection with earthly spirits. September birthdays are represented by the beautiful blue sapphire. Like the natural clear blue waters, the sapphire has a gorgeous and rich glimmer. Those with September birthdays are either Virgos or Libras, which are often seen as well-balanced and practical. This balance and harmony establishes a strong connection with earthly spirits. The combination of these signs are grounded, able to connect with and appreciate the earthly spirits around them.


Those born in April enjoy the dynamic, exciting, and adventurous aspects of the outdoors. April-born individuals have a connection to earthly spirits and appreciate the bountiful gifts of nature and the earth. April is a month known for balance, clarity, and change. Represented by the diamond, April is a month of abundance and strength. Further, represented by both Aries and Taurus, the combination of these signs is a force of passion and loyalty. Both of these traits play an integral part in establishing a strong connection with earthly spirits and spending meaningful time in nature.


June-born individuals are in touch with earthly spirits by virtue of their inquisitive and connective personalities. The month of June is represented by the pearl and the zodiac signs Gemini and Cancer. The pearl symbolizes sincerity and beauty and the zodiac signs combined represent curiosity, peace, and charm. These traits are important for connecting to earthly spirits. June-born birthdays are natural explorers. This keeps them engaged and adventurous, often fascinated with nature and traveling the world. As such, June-born individuals are incredibly in touch with earthly spirits, forever embracing nature, respectfully exploring, and always taking on new heights.