4 Birth Months Who Make The Best Husbands
There are good husband and bad husbands born in every month of the year — but you’re most likely to find a good partner who is born during these months if you’re looking for someone committed and dependable:
People born in August make incredible husbands because they are all about loyalty. They would never dream of betraying their partner or even telling little white lies because they would rather be brutally honest about all aspects of the relationship. They tell it like it is, even when it’s hard for you to hear, so you know that they aren’t keeping any secrets from you. Plus, they are willing to do the hard work. Although they will have high expectations, they are going to put in the same amount of effort that they expect in return. They aren’t going to expect you to do all the work. They will handle their fair share of responsibilities, and they will surprise you with romantic gestures when you least expect it.
People born in March make incredible husbands because they are incredible listeners. They aren’t going to nod along when you speak without actually hearing what you’re saying. They’re going to pay close attention to your thoughts, and remember them to bring them up later. People born during this month genuinely care about your feelings, so they aren’t going to discount what you have to say in conversations. Even when they disagree or have trouble seeing your side, they will respect your emotions. They will never make you feel guilty about feeling how you feel or accuse you of overreacting. They will treat your heart gently, no matter the circumstance.
People born in June will make wonderful husbands because they are givers. They are always happy to help others, so they will never make you feel like an inconvenience and they will never judge you over what you are feeling. Even better, you won’t need to ask them to do a certain chore fifty times because they will get it done before you even have to ask. They will pay close attention to your needs and notice when something is wrong without you needing to spell it out from them. Since they are so perceptive, they will be able to guess when you need a little extra affection or when you need a little extra space. Communication is still important, of course, but they will pick up on things unsaid, on your body language and mood.
People born in December make wonderful husbands because they’re always looking to have a good time. They will make you burst out laughing when you least expect it, which means they can make even the most mundane activities fun. When you’re with them, you’re always going to have a good time — and you’re always going to feel encouraged because they are all about growth. They want you both to reach your full potential and will do whatever is needed of them. All you have to do is ask and they will try their best to accommodate you. They will support you in any way possible.