4 Birth Months Who Need A Lot Of Physical Affection
You know the people we’re talking about. The ones who love PDA,. Who will hug every person they come across. Who always seem to be literally attached to the person they’re dating. While some people don’t count physical touch as one of their main love languages, for the following four birth months, it’s an absolute must.
You like to show your feelings for someone in all the myriad of ways you can demonstrate how much you care. For you, the idea of having just one love language makes no sense to you. You want a scenario where all are present at all times, and that includes physical affection. If you really like someone, you’ll want to touch them, period. Does it mean that you sometimes come off incredibly intense? Sure! But that just means you’re weeding out the people who can’t handle you.
The reasons for your desire for a lot of physical affection are two-fold. First, you just naturally like a lot of touch. It feels comfortable and safe for you. Because of that, it’s a great way for you to show someone you find them attractive. But it’s not just that. You also like physical affection because it’s how you gauge how people feel about you. If the person you’re dating isn’t regularly touching you, you can’t help but wonder if they don’t like you as much as you thought. For you, it’s an indicator of attraction in both directions.
You just like touch. You’ve been called a “touchy” person multiple times in your life. And it isn’t just with the person you’re in a relationship with either. You’re regularly hanging onto your friends and family. It’s a literal closeness that feels imperative in all relationships, no matter the type. So if you end up falling for someone who doesn’t like to be touched in that way, the relationship is doomed for failure. You need someone who can receive and reciprocate that kind of vibe. If they can’t then you’re on to the next.
For you, your touchy side is mindless. You just find yourself hugging and embracing your partner, no matter the occasion or company. And honestly? Your partners love it. That kind of mindless physical affection shows that even your subconscious loves and is attracted to them. While some of the other birth months on this list count being touched as top tier, for you it’s really more about being the one to embrace someone, to show how much you care, to be as close as physically possible to them. You can’t get any better than that.